Base Set Booster Box - Authenticity

Hello Efourians,

Hoping for some expertise in verifying a Base Set Box I’m hoping to purchase. Given the amount of fakes (and really good ones at that) flooding the market, I have a few hesitations and thought others more knowledgeable than myself may be able to assist further.

Background info: Box was advertised via Facebook from a guy in my city - not via any FB pages but via a legit FB profile (we have mutual friends, plenty of photos, workplace named etc. So I am confident the account posting isn’t fake. Seller claims to have purchased the box 6-7 years ago and kept in a protective case since then. I’m meeting up this evening to simply inspect the box, and then if I’m happy I’ll purchase later in the week. So far I’ve received the attached videos and photo.

I’ll be taking another Base Box with me to compare side by side for colour, shape, logos etc. I’ve also weighed my box and will weigh this one to compare. What concerns me really is that this box is too minty, the flap is still completely intact so no peep test has been done before, edges are perfect, no scratches or dents that I can see.

My question is:

  1. Does this all look okay or anything that someone notices that I should be conscious of?
  2. Any tests I can perform tonight to further verify? I’m thinking I will just have to inform seller that I will need to push the flap and peep test it for confidence. Have also been told to shake it to listen for loose cards, put it on its side and try and get one pack to slide down to see whats on the second layer?

Any help would be massively massively appreciated.

Thanks in advance :blush:

Does he have any other Pokémon items?

Looks fine to me

Looks fine

Looks fine.

If I was the seller though I wouldnt want anyone doing a peep test or shaking the box until you have a firm contract that you will purchase if its all good.

If someones breaking the top cardboard seal on my minty box, they are gonna be paying


I don’t see any red flags. Also despite all the fear that goes around IG / Youtube, there is still nobody that was able to convincingly reseal or fake a WOTC logo box. Honestly if you just check the feel of the wrapper, the seals, the weight, you should be good to go. Shaking the box, breaking the flap, trying to remove the first 2 packs would be just awkward imo, I would not accept that as a seller.


Based on whats provided so far box looks good

Looks solid to me. What are you paying for it :smirk:

Looks good :+1: you should be in a good place comparing to yours as well

Thanks everyone, appreciate the advice as always :blush:

Transaction went ahead in the end, after inspecting in person it was clear that everything was fine (or its the worlds best reseal). Seller was completely genuine so I was comfortable to proceed.

Another trophy in the cabinet, so to speak!

Nice, now crack that bad boy open