Anyone that knows Japanese tell me what this is?

Finding some old stuff I have and found this can of what I’m guessing is safe to assume is orange juice with Pikachu, Ledyba and Chikorita on it. Top shows a picture of a Pikachu coin so I’m guessing that is what’s under the sealed cap, sounds like a spray paint can lol. Pretty sure it was from my Aunt and Uncle in Japan way back when, but I don’t know anything about it.

I Googled some and all I found was an eBay listing showing three unsealed and one sealed can that sold for $100.00 eBay listing which is cool to know it could have some value. The coins show $10-$17 but only three listings. Yes, I know not to drink it lol.

Thanks for any help! :blush:


You’re correct in all of your guesses. It’s a can of orange juice, and there is a Pokemon coin underneath the tear-away lid. (No guarantee it’s a Pikachu coin, though — there are dozens of different character designs, and an cardboard album that holds them.)

We used to sell these cans of juice in my Tokyo toy store. I’m almost certain I still have a sealed case of them in my storeroom. At $100 per can, I should try to find them! The best part, though, was that the kids who bought the juice from us would give me the coins. They didn’t care about them; they just wanted something to drink. So I have more coins than I can count. :rofl:


Made with 30% Pikapee! mmmmmmm

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Found my case of them. I wonder how they taste? :wink:


Thank you very much for the explanation!! I see there are different coins and that’s cool you can get a different one in each can. Hahah well if you have a stack of coins then there ya go! It’s funny that the eBay ad is shipped from Fukuoka because that’s where some of my family is. For some reason the picture you posted isn’t loading for me but glad you found the case!! Probably tastes a little sour now hahaha.

Anyone else having trouble seeing the image? I’ve been using Google Photos for my recent uploads. Hope they are showing up :slight_smile:

@japanime I don’t think your photos are working :slightly_frowning_face:
I haven’t seen the last batch of uploads from you either.

Do you see the picture as you’re posting? If not, it won’t show. When you click insert image and add your link the image should instantly pop up.

I’m not seeing it and from the looks of it no one else is. I recommend using imgur if there’s an issue with google photos.

I see them in the threads, but clearly others are not seeing them. I’ll try imgur as recommended.

The image should be visible now … I hope.


What other items does your storeroom contain? Video please!

A couple of years ago I took a photo of the back wall, where most of the sealed cardboard boxes were stacked up. I’ve since opened many (though not all) of the boxes, and have begun the long overdue process of inventorying everything. A lot of what I have is along the lines of that case of juice cans — what most would probably consider Pokemon curiosities rather than highly desired collectibles. They do provide a nice idea of what the Pokemon fad was like 20 years ago, though.

Seeing the pictures @jupitersailfish posted of the cans brought back some nice memories for me. :slight_smile:

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@japanime Hahah glad to bring back some memories, that’s pretty cool seeing the case. I wonder if I have anymore around? That must of been a lot of fun having a store during the craze back then. I remember getting stuff from everywhere.

I should probably start my own Finding My Stuff thread to keep posting in as I get my stuff together from moving four years ago, I have a lot of old stuff that I haven’t even seen since before longer than that. Found my Gameboy with Red, Blue and Yellow version and I had a flashback to trading Pokemon with that link cable with friends in school hahaha.

Some other things in a nearby box. Good to know the top loaders held up over the years lol.