A Look Inside Guardian Games in Portland, OR [PICTURES] 8/31

Hi Everyone!

I stopped by Guardian Games on 8/31/18 just to check out their selection of Pokemon singles. They are one of the more impressive game stores that I have ever been inside in terms of overall selection, however this post will focus on Pokemon. I figured this would be interesting for everyone to see their inventory and (ridiculous) pricing, considering there are so few local game stores across the country now. Here we go with the pictures, sorry if some of them are blurry, but I was trying to capture a lot!

Here is a non-Pokemon related thing, but I thought it was cool. It’s a key-master arcade machine, but all of the prizes have some sort of trading cards attached to them as well. I had just never seen anything like it:

I hope that you all found this interesting and are inspired to share some of your LGS as well! Enjoy!


Wow so jealous! That looks amazing!

Card shops with other than modern product isnt really a thing in my area, so I always enjoy seeing pictures of card shops stocked with old product!

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That is a gorgeous selection of cards. Great find. I have a few card stores like that here in my area of NJ. The pricing is normally not too bad, but if I see something that I want and is overpriced, I can bargain with the workers (at one of the stores) only because they have so few people crazy enough to spend hundreds on Pokemon cards, heh.