A Fascinating Video Documenting the Authentication and Grading Process (SGS)

While SGS is not one of the big three grading companies, I thought that this video gave some interesting insight into the authentication and grading process.


To see English subtitles, click settings → Subtitles/CC → French (auto-generated), then click settings → Subtitles/CC → Auto-Translate → English.

It’s a long video, but you can skip through pretty quickly.

I would love to see a similar video from PSA or BGS if anybody knows of any!


The infamous sniff test. I can imagine all the psa graders sniffing card after card now I’ve watched this lol.


So after the first and most preferred red flag test of sniffing for the smell of the ink, then comes handling it roughly so you can see its structure and quality of material, including a bend test.

After watching it I guess Id appreciate the amount of time and care put into authenticating and assessing the conditionof cards. I dont think the way they handle the cards is how Id like my own cards handled though.


I totally agree. I’d love to see a similar video from PSA or BGS to see how the card handling varies across the board.

Lmao you’re right it was manhandled to death. Imagine if that was yours or mine and we were watching that I’d be freaking out lol. It had a shot at an 8 at the start but was knocked down to a 5 by the end due to all the play it just received tee hee.

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I’d used up my lmao and lol quota I had to use something to finish up with.

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Now imagine if the video was 40 seconds long instead, that’s more close to the actual reality of grading


Only a matter of time before they taste the cards.


Love that :slight_smile:

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