9 card neo Genesis binder

Can the cards from the 9 card neo Genesis factory binder be use to complete your neo Genesis set.
Anybody knows?


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Ok. Are the cards from the 9 card neo Genesis binder part of the actual neo Genesis set. They have the same symbol.
Hope this makes more sense.

They’re different sets.

Very kind of you. I’ll take a closer look.
Thank you

the japanese one? yeah i think so. they have in my set collection.

You’re talking about the neo premium file binder? Basically the 9 cards are promos, but you could still include them into the set. They were part of the regular set in English release.


I have an open neo Genesis binder and three that are new and sealed. Are the cards the same in all of them or are they different from binder to binder?

@frankr, always the same man. The binder has the evolution line of the starters. In the regular set it is a different artwork for the starters with different attacks, so the cards are totally different. The binder on the whole is worth only about 10 bucks sealed.

In english both arts are available in the set and there is no separate binder set.

Joe you really know your stuff. I’m sort of guessing my way around.
English neo Genesis characters have an assigned number slashed over the total number of the set on the lower right hand corner and Japanese gives them a regular number. Example:
Shuckle English 72/111
Shuckle Japanese 213

I don’t know much about the japanese neo genesis set. My expertise is english WOTC through legendary collection and japanese promos through 2001.

For specific info just check “bulbapedia”… search “japanese neo genesis bulbapedia” on google.

Thanks all the same. You’re very kind.

The Japanese Neo Genesis cards only give the Pokemon’s Pokedex number, unlike the English side giving you the set number. You can check Bulbapedia for the full Japanese set list. The Neo Premium File cards you mentioned should be missing rarity symbols. I’m not sure if people consider them as truly part of the set because of that, but they are still pretty cool.