7 Snap Promo Cards Up For Grabs

  • Have to ship international and take on risk
  • Probably put a lot of money into these and they are a store with overhead costs, preferable to sell fast.
  • Japanese collectors are starting to care more about grading but not to the same extent of Western collectors.
  • Grading is expensive. With PSA, $3k - $5k per card. 3k for non starters and 5k for starters = $27k down the drain.
  • Snap Articuno in psa 7ish condition sold got $63k raw on Mandarake last year, Charmander and Magikarp sold for record prices raw last year. So grading isnā€™t necessary for high prices.
  • Purchasers wonā€™t care enough to justify all of the above unless itā€™s a PSA 10

Koffing best snap card confirmed



See my signature:

They are soliciting offers again after transaction fell through. It seems the cards may be in slightly worse condition than evident in the single photos.


The plot thickens.

Same place selling the 2x 97 and 98 Pika trophies right?

Yep! Also a complete Creatures deck now!

Worth noting that Magi has relatively low fees [4% of sale] vs 10% on Yahoo or Mercari so it is not unusual to see high end items on their marketplace, either by the store or from other people.

I mean this in the nicest way possible, the private ā€œbidsā€ through ig might as well be a raffle. You are bidding against ghosts. They clearly arenā€™t legitimate as people have already backed out. Anyone can message them and throw out a figure with no qualification.

Theyā€™ve communicated with me about the pikas and itā€™s just a weird experience. I feel like Iā€™m talking to a charizarballer69 about some wotc holos they want to sell privately to avoid eBay fees. Anyway, good luck to whoever is trying to win these cards. I just wish the process was better.


Magi method is bad for buyer but good for seller. Magi retains full control throughout the process. I went through a similar process when I bought my MTG Heroes of the Realm card. If we want the rare card, we pretty much have to play by their rules or go somewhere else.

Yes Iā€™ve done this tango before with mtg art. The difference here is not knowing the previous bid/offer price. Also mtg is usually more pointed, where this is very broad, anyone can message magi with no qualification. Anyway the cards will sell eventually, just wish the process was more streamlined.

xiao_xiao666666 has entered the chat.


Sort like buying a house I guess

You go and see the house and then submit an offer. You also donā€™t know the offer from other buyers so if you really want it, then you would submit your max bid right from the start (or in some cases, over the listed price).

Although I do wish all sellers should have a price in the open. It is like going to Macdonald to get coke and the waiter says make an offer. But I guess for trophies it is a different story as they donā€™t come up for sale very often.

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Something else interesting about snap cards, majority of them sell in Japan. It would be nice to see these 7 individually auctioned in the us.

I ratioā€™d Cardrush :laughing::sweat_smile:


Iā€™m glad these cards are slowly getting the attention they deserve

I would pay bigly moneyz just to see the DMs they get from overseas collectors who use Google Translate to send their offers. :rofl:

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Their ig person speaks English.

Or maybe they are doing an imo reverse and using google translate :wink:

In my case, everyone just made blind offer to the seller. No one knows everyone elseā€™s offer. He decides whether he wants to sell to one of us or not to proceed with the sale at all. Very advantageous to the seller.

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