5 Favorite Pokemon Cards

I scrolled through this to see what @qwachansey put hoping to find 5 Chansey cards :stuck_out_tongue:

Lmao! I can’t bare to rank them all like that


There’s a lot more than five I love, but if I had to pick I’d say my favorite five are:
1 - Neo Genesis Lugia
2 - Fossil Dragonite
3 - Corocoro Mew
4 - Skyridge Moltres
5 - Base Set Charizard

Lately I have been buying a lot of e-series cards, the art in Aquapolis and Skyridge is some of the best IMO.


You’re allowed to carry 6 Pokémon at a time, so that was my mindset and decided to pick my top 6. This was pretty hard to narrow, but these hit home for me:


@politoed666 YES I love the Lugia and Ho-Oh ex Play Promos too! I feel like these resemble drawings that the Johto people would draw after hearing about the legends of these two legendaries.

@zorloth I 100% share your love of Gen 3 Dragon Type mons. Emerald was my first Pokemon adventure and I remember thinking they looked so cool!

@c0ll3ct0r @qwachansey I really do love Masago’s cards and how they look super realistic! The Tyranitar might be one of my favorites!

@fivesetgo and @krill Crystal Celebi is (IMO) by far the best Crystal card and simultaneously the best Celebi card! Would love to have one in my collection one day. Definitely one of Arita’s best in terms of elegance/beauty.

@nickofturl Those are 3 amazing scyther artworks! I love Rocket’s Scyther. Koike is one of my favorite artists!

@gengarbrigade Jolteon really did have one of the best treatments in the WOTC era, I love those two cards in particular! Shame we never got a holo Dark Jolteon!


I’m biased towards Dragonite and Arcanine, but here are a few favorites in no particular order:


@boogus, My thoughts exactly

@david, 5 absolute bangers of artwork. It’s a shame neither dragonite nor arcanine get much love in current sets because they got some amazing cards during wotc

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This is really tough, but these are consistently in my top 6


@david, Light Arcanine and Light Dragonite are my honorable mentions. Some of the most beautiful cards ever printed IMO.

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I absolutely love the Light Pokémon from neo destiny. I know they’re divisive, but I really wish they had brought them back.


Dragons Exalted Rayquaza is my favorite

Choosing 5 was extremely difficult, and probably a couple of these would fall out of the top 5 on another day because there are a million other cards I wanted to include.

That said, number 1 is almost always going to be ‘Sunset’ Mew 033/p.

             ![](https://i.imgur.com/MSpi6Mbm.jpg)         ![](https://imgur.com/PKMICQQm.jpg)

Dude I’m with @qwachansey. Top 10. Too hard. And dude I am so happy to see someone else who adores Giovanni’s Persian as much as me. It might be the single favorite card if I HAD to pick.


@brendantheclayboy, that Dark Hypno would easily be in my top 10 non-Gyarados cards. The holo effect with the background is gorgeous in person. Great to see some appreciation for classic commons too.


Top 5 Nostalgia**Top 5 Artwork**


This was tough!

Slowpoke from HS Undaunted is what initially made me want to collect cards which featured other Pokémon in the background (in this case Pikachu and Totodile appear) - this card and Slowbro from the same set tell a cute story which I assume is anime-related.

All of the RC cards from Generations have fantastic artwork, but Flareon EX stands out above them all as my favourite full art card:

The Totodile Side Deck Pichu is my favourite Pichu artwork to have been illustrated by a professional, it’s a shame we never got this one in English:

…which is to say that my favourite Pichu artwork not illustrated by a professional is the 2nd Grade winning design from the 2009 Pokémon Card Design Contest by Taisei Fujita:

I guess finally the card whose artwork has been in my avatar on various websites for the past 10 years: the Pokémon Fan winning Illusion’s Zoruadesign from the 2010 Pokémon Card Design Contest by Izumi Sakaga:

Here is the full version of that artwork which was featured on the 2010 Japanese Pokémon movie website:


This is super hard. Im going to have to take some time to think on everything, but I love everyones answers thus far!


@pichufan imagine all the characters that have been cut out from cards like that. Collectors like @queendrifloon would need to chase another card if they included the Drifloon into the final card!


The first 5 that came to mind, hard to narrow down




I already have to chase down that one Gourgeist card for one tiny little blip of a drifloon in the background…what’s one more? :sob:

ETA: omg I see it and I’m glad I don’t have to hunt it down because I absolutely would

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