$375K 1st Ed Box Attempt #2 with POKEREV!

New box apparently at 11am EST

Does anyone know where this box is from?

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Yesterday I watched some of their livestream and they were saying that Guru would be filming a live opening of the box from a phone wherever it is (Philly?), then would put the tamper proof seal on it if legit, then it would be re-opened with all the people that were on the first livestream back in Texas. Is this what will happen today? who knows lol. If its from the same person as the first box came from, this will probably be the same result too

no idea lol. and question about tamper proof seals that i never see discussed . . .

cant someone use tamper proof seals on stream…end the video, and then simply open the bags and reseal different packs with the same tamper proof seals?!?

never understood the tamper proof thing fully unless theyre like 1:1 and no 2 are ever the same?


I’m pretty sure the Dumb Money guys mentioned they had unique serial numbers so I guess they would verify that the serial number of the seal used matches what they look at live.

I will be extremely surprised if there is a real box


Okay, please stop…


Is this the gurus second box he just happened to have :roll_eyes: but hey because the first one “sold” for $375k it makes this new one $375k right :thinking::thinking:

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That’s the plan. This will justify the price.

hmmm. wouldn’t he have just sold his initially? or you think he swapped

I agree - some tamper proof seals even take time to set, so you can peel them off for like an hour or so after they have been placed.

Anyways why would they trust this guy to deliver a legit box when the first one was fake?



tHeRe aRe lEsS BoXeS In cIrCuLaTiOn!

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My body is ready for success or yet another disappointment.


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Here we go


Given how scummy CG is, I highly suspect he is in on some trickery to some point.


This is better than Game of Thrones. CG Master of Whisperers.

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Apparently the zard is half a million now…