23rd season of the long-running animated series.


Pokemon must be up there when it comes to the longest-running series of all-time that is supposed to follow a continuous plotline involving the same protagonist.

The 5 Longest-Running TV Shows of All Time
The Simpsons. The Simpsons | Fox. …
2 (tie). Gunsmoke. …
2 (tie). Law & Order. …
South Park. South Park | Comedy Central. …
Law & Order: SVU. Law & Order: SVU | NBC.
So only the Simpsons

Right, but my question is - how does Pokemon compare when it comes to shows that are supposed to follow a continuous plot involving the same protagonist?

If you’re going to include literally any television program, you could even include things like Meet the Press which goes back to the 1940s.

Vince McMahon has entered the chat

I guess Raw is only the longest running weekly episodic TV show then :grin:

Would also be interesting to see how Pokemon does in terms of shows with the most aired episodes.

Based on the description of the video, it seems that the series will be a Netflix exclusive. Crazy that the series is going to be off of television now–if that really is the case–after being on it for over 20 years.

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honestly, in my household, it will do better on Netflix than on regular TV. I may live in a bubble but that’s more mainstream for my family. my kids don’t know regular TV (we only have internet and apps/streaming services) and they LOVE pokemon. we watch it on our TVs but they also watch it on their ipads so they can literally consume it anywhere. my older kids are 5 and 7 and it’s really popular at their school at both age levels. more so with the boys, but my daughter loves it too. My 5-year old son binge watches all of the old series and knows the name and evolutions of literally every pokemon. I don’t know what we would do without it in quarantine. they love the shows and cards although they have no idea how to actually play the tcg and haven’t shown much interest. they love opening the rare cards and are obsessed with “full arts”

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