Pokemon on Netflix

The title is pretty much says its all. Pokemon: Indigo League is on Netflix, as well as Black & White!

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Saw the PokeBeach announcement. Don’t have netflix, but might get a one month subscription for this. Haha

I watch everything online fo free :stuck_out_tongue:

Pokemon origins and Pokemon the first movie :heart_eyes:

I practically died when I saw it in Netflix’s recently added. I need to find some spare time and crush the original episodes again. It’s easier than ever with it on Netflix now! :blush:

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Not sure if I can pay for streaming. So many websites and torrents to view for free.

I wish that it has all the seasons on there

i dont even think i should watch it! i watched the original episodes LOADS of time on youtube when i was little xD

Why on Earth would they put BW on? No one watches that shit.

.< when i had netflix it didnt have any pokemon …,. siiigh