2025 Goal maintain $500,000 sales
2024 has been a year of learning more about the Pokemon world.
Hit my goal in Oct and took a month vacation in Nov.
Got burnt out after hitting my goal of $500K.
- Profit margins shrinking
- Many people trying to import directly
- Prices moving up on Pokemon in Japan
New adventures of Pokemon
- Sell Sealed
- Sell more Graded
- Sell Less Raw ultra modern
- Start Social Media
- Sell on more platforms.
Possible ideas.
- Start a grading company
- Open in other countries
- Hire employees
Also, try not to argue with negative people.
happy 2025
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Wishing you success in your goals for 2025. Also hopefully more fruitful conversations whenever you share updates.
First 2 weeks of 2025. Have some motivation again.
Jan 1, 2025 - Jan 15, 2025
Gross sales (not profit)
4,171 orders last 30 days.
Raw is doing great.
Buying only for sealed.
slabs coming in. (changing direction again). Taking too long again.
Just curious, do you have a preference or see more value for a particular grading company or it is irrespective of the company.
All grading companies have a place. It really depends how the submitter can use the grading company to their own benefit. Most people let the grading companies take advantage of them.
All the rest should be for flipping and making money.
Disclaimer. I grade with 4 different companies currently. I could start my own grading company and compete comp wise with 3 of them on the low end market. Pretty much at launch.
Jan 2025
Lower Gross sales but great ROI as most sales were raw singles.
Happy. Little behind goals for gross sales, ROI is excellent though.
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Would love to buy from you, king. Lmk where I can do so
looking at 1099s
April was the High in gross revenue ,$70,000+ (people here motivated me)
Nov Gross revenue $11,000+ ( One month vacation.)
99% Singles , so the ROI is MUCH higher than sealed sellers.
This can be a Big Business if taken seriously, I do this as a hobby and fun. Approx 20 hrs a week total.
Pokemon is a great business for anyone thinking about it. Right now i am on the fence about going almost fulltime and work Sealed and Slabs into selling.
GTA 6 gonna release before tokyo gives us the shop