1st edition shadowless vs shadowless rarity

Hello! Over the last two weeks I’ve had a very difficult time finding out the rarity of the 1st edition shadowless base set versus the shadowless base set. In terms of PSA graded cards shadowless is rarer, but I think this may be due to the price difference between the sets leading to less shadowless cards being graded. I understand the strong preferential for most collectors to have the 1st edition shadowless base set, but does anyone know how many print runs of 1st edition shadowless base set there were compared to the shadowless base set print runs? I’m hoping someone can provide an unbiased answer. I appreciate your help!!

pretty sure the print run was around the same just 1 print 1 each but I maybe wrong on that. I know that they were released at the same time just in different states and that shadowless was left of 1st Ed sheets in which they didn’t stamp. also alot of shadowless cards were seen as fakes and played or thrown away so that may have an impact on how many mint copies are out there compared to 1st editions as everyone would hold onto them being 1st edition. also regarding the psa pop report I know shadowless didn’t get designated or recognised at first so shadowless cards were graded as unlimited which effects how accurate the shadowless pop count really is, with that said its hard to say but my gut tells me that overall 1st Ed are rarer! or at least more accountable in terms of populations

There has been a number of discussions around this on the forum. From what I gathered, nobody knows for sure. There was a print run of shadowless cards, that were later stamped as ‘1st edition’ and I believe it was 6 or 7 more print runs of unlimited cards.



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Thank you very much! I appreciate the insight! I didn’t know that shadowless were graded unlimited at first!

Thank you for the additional sources! I apologize for not digging in old threads deep enough!

Thank you both. I ask because I’m looking into purchasing the shadowless base set as I can’t currently afford the 1st edition base set (not at least to a decent quality).

Wheres the guy who use to post on every thread about shadowless being more rare then first edition? He’d love this thread.


@btoise I summon you. Here we are now, entertain us :blush:


How were Shadowless distributed? Were they ever in big box stores?