17 years later - Uri Geller has finally "released" Kadabra!!

Hold my beer.

Shut up zoomer.


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Kadabra finally freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I like to imagine that it was due to this thread that led to this result: www.elitefourum.com/t/why-cant-they-just-rename-kadabra/24489/1

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@alakazamthat , @eldina , @foodin065 , @ibrakadabra , @kamb8s , @muddy , @lavendertown , @joshuajohnson814 , @razkaii , @taizokai , @quuador


As a player I’m also hyped about any new Alakazam cards in 2021 being potentially quite strong - ADP should rotate from Standard in August making a LOT more Stage 2 decks viable. I’ve been testing Vivid Voltage Charizard a bit and that could see a price spike after August also.


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Honestly sounds like a desperate call for attention from a now-irrelevant “celebrity” to regain some of his renown by playing the “hero” despite him being the cause of the problem in the first place.

Nonetheless, it’s a positive development. Hopefully Kadabra has a memorable art for its re-debut. A secret rare or shiny would be cool:)


He was the problem in the first place! Lol 20 years of being a salty baby only to overturn the decision after it was made clear it was overwhelming unpopular

I think the excitement is totally warranted but let’s not forget who created the problem in the first place.


If you think Nntendo were goody two shoes then you’re coping, Pokémon were the idiots who didn’t owe up using his name when one of the few lucky ones brought to light their apparent connection to a creature design. Should had connected Kadabra to Aleister Crowley or Salvador Dali imo. In turn, THEN Uri’s hindsight for reward was in the complete opposite direction which lead to Kadabra being the scapegoat but now the GOAT.

[edit] sorry about the typo.

[edit 2] if true it is admirable to have a company/ foundation at this caliber actually listen to the individual in a untrustworthy, insecure society and be able to be heard, let alone have an appeal actually considered. This applies not only to Uri but to character/concept/creature designers rights for expressing single, double and mutual identity.

[edit 3] Ironically, Kadabra is the one topic used on Uri’s media proven point after point evidence of events towards both sides that actually happened. The one silver spoon lining story to be telling truth. I believe he is doing this announcement just as he did when he intended on starting it.

@way2slowbro @pfm sorry I understand after some time I thought some more parts in response. Least worst wishes guys, that which is not dead can eternal lie, yet with strange eons even death may die.

His Kadabra? The ego on this guy lol


Knowing Uri, this is 100% a publicity stunt for him. Good news I guess but this guy is no saint


I guess. Think of him as Tyler Durden or Heather Mason from Silent Hill 3 with Tajiri/Sugimori/you/me/Toshio Maeda/ whoever designed the ultimate Pokémon god trio. Now excuse me while I go Dionysaic with shrooms, mead, that Sabrina Haunted Tower arc and goats blood before real one punch man Mike Tyson returns.

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I was thinking the exact same thing

Yeah I sense he’ll be profiting from this in some direct/indirect way.

Pretty sure this is just a publicity stunt, but as someone who has many Skyridge Kadabras, it’s certainly been a good thing for me, too lol

This member of the spoon and mustache contingent approves! Up the spoons!


PSA 10 1st Ed Alakazam to skyrocket - you heard it here first, $100k USD as of tomorrow


I know its a long shot, and the products for next year are probably done, however it would be very neat to see Kadabra’s return somewhere in the 25th Anniversary year!!

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Dude, if that thread I started had anything to do with this decision that would be WWIILLDDDD. @cross got that super sweet autograph as a result of that thread hahaha.