100 card submission uk customs cost?

Just wondering how much the basic customs fees are for a 100 card submission return once they arrive back in the uk. Is it the same price all the time or does it vary?

I’m assuming you’re talking from PSA. In that case i’m not sure how it is in the UK, but in Canada since it is considered “returned goods” or paying for a “service” (something like that) and you’re not actually importing an item that you bought, you shouldn’t get hit with custom fees. That being said, PSA may have to write that on the box or on the form somewhere. (I’d msg them to do that in the special instructions with the order). That happened to me once with a large order and I got hit with a huge fee but I just had to prove to the government I was paying for a service and not importing a good and they refunded me the full amount.

I was wondering as I got back my 15 free graded cards. The customs was £24, mainly that was VAT and for the parcelforce service to deliver. As it was free grades the value on box read $53. Now if I do a 100 card sub that will rise considerably. Although I know they’re returning goods I’m not sure if it matters the value it says. Would I pay £24 as standard again or not. As to why I asked. Thanks anyway.

@dipzy @cljdavis

It should not have any custom fees.
PSA is giving a service on product you own.

It’s like going to the garage for an engine fix and the shop asking you to pay for a complete new engine.
You already owned the engine, they just servicing it. Not reinstalling a new engine.

It’s like sending your car overseas to get fixed then bringing it back. It still can be taxed as an import. Whether it ought to be is a philosophical question but if you’re pragmatically wondering, you 100% can and sometimes will be charged every tax imaginable.

I got a 50 card submission back last month, total i paid for it plus return shipping to the UK was $475

It was held by Parcelforce at customs for two days but was then released without any charges.

The label on my box showed PSA marked value as $50

I have been sending to PSA for nearly two years now and so far been lucky to get no customs charges so just a case of waiting to see if you get the letter asking to pay fees through the post.

There shouldn’t be any VAT on the cards themselves, if PSA invoices you for their sevice then you’re likely not going to be able to dispute VAT charges on that though. Just make sure you have sufficient evidence that the items belonged to you before being sent over to PSA, and upon return ask them to clearly state on the customs form that these are ‘returned goods’. If you still get charged, you can dispute the charges by filling out the form in the link below and applying for a refund. Bear in mind that the parcelforce/royal mail handling fee is non refundable, so if it comes to the point that you need to submit this form and ask for a refund, it will only be for the VAT amount.


Also, not 100% sure on this one, but I believe such refunds are calculated at the end of the tax year, so you may need to wait several months to get your money back.

Then again, if PSA fills ou the form on their side correctly there should be no issue.

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Thanks too @woolsluk for the tag,

Customs coming back from PSA are an incredibly grey area in regards too UK customs,

I personally see it as this, 50% of returns come through straight away with no customs charge as it’s realised by HMRC than it shouldn’t, 50% do,

You then have too send a dispute form to get them to refund the charge (minus Parcelforces admin fee) but this doesn’t always work and they require other forms from you and additional information, as I’ve been lucky enough these continued disputes have always been only around £50, so I’ve just dropped it,

However there is a risk of a big customs fee and the dispute not going through straight away, this could potentially lead too further examination and potential for other legalities,

Also too note is you must pay the fee before it can be disputed, full stop, so if you get a £500 customs fee, you have too pay it no questions asked, otherwise they’ll return the parcel too PSA,

That’s my knowledge anyways!

Ludkins might be able too help further if anyone has his contact, easily the biggest PSA UK Sender,

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