Hey im looking for the following xy full art cards graded as a psa 10. English, cert number does not matter. I am in the u.s and willing to cover paypal g&s fees if shipping is covered. Thanks ya’ll!
Edit - I am very close to the end of my search. If you have any of these cards, please reach out! Prices are negotiable!
Wow I had no idea these were worth this much! You make me want to grade my own X and y full art collection. I have all of them. I really like black and white and x and y era full arts. Good luck I’m sure you should get some bites!
I picked up thse a month ago: both Mewtwo XY full arts for $175 each and the Gyarados for $155.
These have a higher PSA 10 population. @mcorey777, Even still I think people are sleeping on how
hard these are to grade and how amazing some of the artworks are.
I previously offered about $500 for the Blastoise and Venusaur, but got not bites. I remember
grading these myself and they were very hard to grade. I don’t think a lot of folks were grading
them so in addition to the poor early XY production, the PSA 10 pop is very small. I think your offers
are good, but that the difficult part is finding the owners. I know of a few, but those are in the hands
of owners with complete PSA 10 XY FA collections. Good luck and try putting your offer on IG and FB.
Perfect way to sum up how im feeling lmaoo i got the cash and i think the offers are good but like ya said, finding a seller is the tough part. I have some of these cards raw and in mint condition but they are really tough to grade. Xy base full art psa 10s are my toughest finds. I still have none lol
Holyyyy hell!! That is quite an accomplishment! I think the xy full arts are beautiful. English print runs werent too great for early xy. So i been focused on those