XY generations Korean ????

Is the xy generations set in korean?

Regards robert

I am pretty sure it is, they have the starter trio jumbo boxes, with generations packs I believe

That’s Evolutions mate.


Bulba does not list a set, however like Japanese I would lean towards the release being in the form of starter decks, I am not sure.

Its not always correct that site, ive seen soo much wrongs at that site

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001/071 VenusaurEX
002/071 MegaVenusaurEX
003/071 Caterpie
004/071 Metapod
005/071 Butterfree
006/071 Paras
007/071 Parasect
008/071 Tangela
009/071 Pinsir
010/071 CharizardEX
011/071 MegaCharizardEX
012/071 Ponyta
013/071 Rapidash
014/071 Magmar
015/071 Magikarp
016/071 Gyarados
017/071 Articuno
018/071 Pikachu
019/071 Raichu
020/071 Zapdos
021/071 Zubat
022/071 Golbat
023/071 Slowpoke
024/071 Gastly
025/071 Haunter
026/071 Gengar
027/071 Jynx
028/071 Diglett
029/071 Dugtrio
030/071 Machop
031/071 Machoke
032/071 Machamp
033/071 Geodude
034/071 Graveler
035/071 Golem
036/071 Hitmonlee
037/071 Hitmonchan
038/071 Rhyhorn
039/071 Clefairy
040/071 Clefable
041/071 Mr. Mime
042/071 Meowth
043/071 Persian
044/071 Doduo
045/071 Dodrio
046/071 Tauros
047/071 Snorlax
048/071 Max Revive
050/071 Red Card
051/071 Maintenance
052/071 Poké Ball
053/071 Professor’s Letter
054/071 Potion
055/071 Energy Switch
056/071 Energy Retrieval
057/071 Rare Candy
059/071 Crushing Hammer
060/071 Switch
061/071 Pokémon Catcher
063/071 Shauna
064/071 Judge
065/071 Tierno
066/071 Pokémon Center Lady
067/071 Pokémon Fan Club
068/071 Lysandre
069/071 Professor Sycamore
071/071 Double Colorless Energy

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Not sure about the main set, but the Radiant Collection part (which is PokéKyun / CP3 in Japanese), is also available in Korean.

Here is the Korean Pikachu Full Art:


Where do you have this list from, because I don’t have this Pikachu nor knew it existed?


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Just to post the difference for anyone else in the thread that might not know that they are seperate packs compared to english generations where the radiant collection is combined, this is definitely a pokekyun release.



I have scoured the internet the last hour and can only find two cards that have a set number 01/71 and 02/71 which are the venusaur normal and mega from the ebay account I posted in this message. They have the 20th anniversary stamp which is a replicate of the Japanese starter deck for the generations release.

Korean 20th anniversary cp6 release is out of 100 cards so this 71 card set has to be the generations korean set, but I cannot find for the life of me anything confirming it.

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I created it from my pulls

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Oh, so you’ve opened a booster box of it? In that case: do you still have a duplicated Pikachu lying around? In my experience with Korean booster boxes, all the non-holos usually come in multiple quantities.


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It wasn’t booster boxes. It was random decks like Japanese.

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So that means no duplicated Pikachu? Dang… :slightly_frowning_face: Still thanks for the information, I’ve added it to my checklist.


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