Looking for PSA 10 Celebi from Skyridge
Offering 1.5k.
Looking for PSA 10 Celebi from Skyridge
Offering 1.5k.
Lol wow 10s are so low… I just sold my 9 for 1025… Gap between 10s and 9s seems tiny in price compared to other crystal holos.
Last 10 sold for 1500 for what it’s worth.
Willing to adjust price. Just want the card
Not much supply atm. Lowest on eBay is cardhouse All the Instagram ones I saw got bought up as well. I think about 2-3 weeks ago people realized how undervalued the 10 was relative to the $800 price tag on the 9. And now they all gone lol. Beautiful card and I hope you get it for a reasonable price
Celebi is such a beautiful card. Feel like it’s hovered at the ~$1200 price point for almost two years.
Goodluck OP
Let me know if you want to make a deal on this one: www.ebay.com/itm/303572789554
this guy had a celebi up for $1600(said his highest offer was $1300 in another post) and I guess it has arita’s sig on the case lol
He posted 11 days ago but it was never taken down. Might be worth a message
I was messaging ya this morning, via IG.
Haha oh alright.
this guy had a celebi up for $1600(said his highest offer was $1300 in another post) and I guess it has arita’s sig on the case lol
He posted 11 days ago but it was never taken down. Might be worth a message
Oh man, I usually like sigs but that one is terrible LOL
Thanks for the find!
@jdalcour no problem! And yeah that sig is mehh but at least it’s on the case
@jdalcour no problem! And yeah that sig is mehh but at least it’s on the case
My friend in Australia bought that one! Helped him get the deal done.
@jdalcour Awe well I’m sure another one will pop up soon! And if I see one on reddit I’ll let you know again
@randox thanks for the heads up, glad that you were able to help a friend with a collection goal
Celebi found. Thank you E4