I’m attempting to collect a sealed booster of each english release and have have done pretty well so far (in my opinion). I’ve now unfortunately got the the rarer and more expensive packs, so was wondering if anyone here might be able to help.
To begin with, I’m in the UK; so I’d be happy to pay for anything over PayPal, using a middleman if you prefer, and obviously posting and taxes and so on would have to be taken into account.
Anyway. I’m not overly bothered about artwork selection or 1st/unlimited, just that it’s sealed! So here’s the list of wants:
edit: I’ve added prices that I think are reasonable, but I could be wrong and am open to debate.
Neo Revelation £25 (flexible)
EX Team Rocket Returns £27 (flexible)
Neo Genesis £25
Neo Discovery £25
Legendary Collection £50
Expedition Base Set £20
Aquapolis £40
Skyridge £50
EX Ruby & Sapphire £15
EX Dragon £20
EX Team Magma & Team Aqua £27
EX Dragon Frontiers
If any fellow UK collectors would be able to give me advice on prices, or where I might be able to get these last packs (bar eBay and pokemon card market) that’d be really appreciated, but I’m thankful for any help at all
Am I missing something obvious? Like - just wait for them to come up on eBay? If that’s the case then fair enough - I’m still very much a collecting novice compared to most people on here.
edit: I also understand that this collection isn;t exactly on a par with some of the stuff that people have on here, so sorry if it’s not interesting
Please only bump wants threads once per month unless your what’s change drastically. Not everyone may have seen your post yet. These packs are floating about just be patient.
patience is going to be your best friend in this hobbie, many people on this forum have your items, but we are collectors, we won’t sell our beloved collection unless a great offer is made! that being said it wouldn’t hurt to state a price that you’d be willing to pay for each pack.
Ebay is generally quite good when it comes to picking up loose packs though
Sorry, I was just surprised at the lack of any response. I was thinking more that there may be some flippers here who might have som packs spare, but yes, I totally understand patience is key - I’ve been building this collection over the last year or so (which I know, isn’t a huge amount of time in collecting scale) - this was just my next port of call as the packs are getting much harder to come by now, and thought there might be something I’ve missed since I’m still an amateur.
It seems typical prices on ebay (though of course the source of these prices is sporadic at best) are as follows:
Neo Genesis £25 - £30
Neo Discovery £25 - £30
Neo Revelation £25 - £30
Legendary Collection £60
Expedition Base Set £20
Aquapolis £40
Skyridge £50
EX Ruby & Sapphire £15-£20
EX Dragon £20-£30
EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua £30
EX Team Rocket Returns £30-£40
EX Dragon Frontiers £15 Now Acquired.
Of course these are open market prices, and include postage and sellers fees etc. As I’ve mentioned, I’m a novice when it comes to the private market, so I don’t honestly know how that changes things with regards to prices. I’m aware fees on ebay essentially reduce seller’s profits by 10% or so.
Edit: Thus is is fair to assume a 10% or so decrease on these prices in a private trade? If not - educate me!
Yeah I’ve seen concord’s listing. I’ve not bought in to their prices though as the boosters very occasionally come up cheaper in auctions.
Perhaps I should have been clearer (I’ll edit the above post and my initial one), I was hoping with private sales, that I’d be able to get 10% off or so the open market price, especially if someone could sell me a bundle. Is that a reasonable expectation for private vs public?
Ah okay, I was under the impression that regular sellers may take this into account when listing on ebay. So let’s say I could sell a card on ebay for £20, well I’d happily sell the same card to someone privately for £18ish, as that’s what I’d be getting from the ebay transaction. Maybe that’s just me! Good to know anyway, from now on I will assume the sold listings are the going rate.
I think I’ve got confused, what you are saying is correct however a lot of people here if they do have them won’t actually have them listed on ebay so there won’t be a price to take 10% off in the first place.
Bumping this now I can afford to purchase the last two I need. I’m flexible on the price and for some reason these two have shot up since I started this thread.