WTB PSA 9 Base set Charizard/Venusaur/Blastoise

Heyo, I am looking for:

PSA 9 Charizard Base set unlimited
PSA 9 Blastoise Base set unlimited
PSA 9 Venusaur Base set unlimited

I am looking to pay 1100 450 for the set pair.

*EDIT* Big boy taken down, just looking for the other two
*EDIT 2* elShod brought up a good point that I didn’t post before, but I do prefer 4x certs.
Let me know what you have and thanks e-four! :blush:


Solid offer, the trio recently(Apr 27) auctioned for $830 on ebay. Good luck!

I know, they have been on my list and I would rather get them out of the way before things get too ridiculous. Also they only shipped to the US, we get the shaft in Canada sometimes with import and some eBay shipping costs. I just want no BS. I see that ad you are referring to, 10 shipping to the states, it was about 30 to Canada with 100 in import charge!

I can help if you have any interest to purchase the complete 16 Holo set in PSA 9 (as I’m not splitting)

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I have a Blastoise 9 unless you’d rather get all from one seller.

Really good offer. if i was willing to split my 16 holo set i would help you out. best of luck!

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I have Charizard and Blastoise, new slabs, 4xx certs. I would do $900 shipped.


Thanks for the offer elShod, but I actually was able to acquire the Charizard already but the other two still allude me.

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