WTB: Gold Stars (Japanese)

I’m looking for the following cards in Japanese and PSA 9/10 or mint ungraded unless stated, PM me and we can discuss! Thanks for looking!


  1. Vaporeon Gold Star (PLAY version) $150
  2. Flareon Gold Star (PLAY version) $450
  3. Suicune Gold Star (unlimited/1st ed) $280/$400
  4. Entei Gold Star5) Celebi Gold Star (unlimited) $180
  5. Mew Gold Star (unlimited/1st ed) $180/$300
  6. Regice Gold Star (unlimited/ 1st ed) $120/ $160
  7. Regirock Gold Star (unlimited/ 1st ed) $120/ $160
  8. Registeel Gold Star (unlimited/ 1st ed) $110/ $150

Thanks for viewing!

EDITED: Updated wants


Please only bump wants threads every 2 weeks maximum unless your wants have drasitcally changed.

Bump updated some wants and prices!

Bump updated! Happy new year to all