Looking for the following holos in PSA 10 English from Aquapolis:
Exeggutor Holo PSA 10 $150
Vileplume Holo PSA 10 $100
Victreebel Holo PSA 10 $120
I am from the U.K but i have a middle man in the u.s that usually conducts purchases for me
PMing you about Exeggutor and Victreebel.
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Also Looking to buy an Expedition Ampharos Holo in PSA 10. Honestly have no idea what to price this at as it is pretty low pop? I’ll just throw a $200 figure out there for now.
I actually have one at PSA that I’m hoping will get a 10 but I’m pretty impatient and don’t really care if I end up with 2.
November 29, 2018, 1:00am
Are those the only ones from Aquapolis you’re looking for? I have a gem mint 10 holo ariados as well as several gem mint 10 non holos from the set…
I have almost a complete set and the only one I’m looking for right now is Vileplume Holo in a PSA 10
November 29, 2018, 8:27pm
Sounds good congrats! If you expand out to Expedition next let me know I’ve got some 10’s for ya;)
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I’ve actually got most of the expedition set too lol. PM me what holos you have
Still looking for a Vileplume but also would like to buy an Expedition Ampharos PSA 10, offering $200.