Wizards resealing booster box's

I just randomly had this thought, has anyone ever thought of or proposed or tried the concept of sending a WOTC booster box that has had the seal compromised back to wizards of the coast to have it resealed?

If they would that would be awesome for the unfortunate folks who had their boxes seals broke at customs during shipping! And for any reason besides that really.

I would hope wizards wouldn’t do that. Could cause a lot of potential problems


There’s no way the company would reseal a booster box


If WOTC would start resealing their boxes it would bring about all sorts of shady charizardballer69 shenanigans. Either it’s sealed, or it’s not. The whole point of a seal is its irreversible character to prevent tampering.


WOTC completely cut ties with Pokémon and wants nothing to do with Pokémon. There is no way WOTC would reseal a WOTC Pokémon booster box.


This is the best answer. Wotc HATES tpi and the entire franchise now. I don’t even think they would answer an email about this…not even an fu.


Yeah there could be alot of sketchy business going on, it would have to be very involved if it were to happen. But I didn’t know that wizards hate pokemon. Must have been a sour ending with them huh? I’m gonna email them and see what they say haha

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Is there a place where I can read the story behind this hatred? I just thought Wotc did not think it was good business and wanted to focus on their own cards instead, putting pokemon into the backburner.

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i was under the impression there was extremely bad blood between the two companies.

Try to get a “plant” hired there in Renton then go from there:)

I guess you had to be there. Wotc was so accommodating…until they lost the franchise. Then everything you called about got the big cold shoulder. Even though I was a store owner who had damage replacements…nothing.

Ah okay, I see the problem :slightly_frowning_face: truly an unfortunate situation.

So here is the email reply I got hahaha. I guess as soon as the word pokemon is in an email it sends this response.

How many times do I need to teach you guys this lesson? #freecharizardballer


I emailed them back further explaining a situation and got this email:

I have to say, wizards has very good response time to inquiries! They emailed me back within hours of each email, I wish all companies were so responsive! Anyway it’s like everyone initially said, wizards would not do a box reseal. Everyone was right! Have a great rest of the weekend everyone!