Here’s a complete list of all English Wizards of the Coast Black Star Promos, including their print variants. There are 53 cards, but 70 if you include the variants.
I really like the WOTC black star promos. This was the first set I ever specifically set out to collect and complete. I didn’t know about a lot of these errors, so I definitely appreciate the information.
Small thing: I think one of those Ho-oh pictures was supposed to be a Rapidash.
@JoshsOddCollection The other WB promos are available without stamps as well. I own the Pikachu, but I’ve also seen the Mewtwo and Dragonite before. I think both are in TCA’s collection. I also know that David Persin has a full set of both inverted and no stamp WB promos, although he hasn’t shown them in one of his videos yet.
And as mentioned above by @squirtle1000, you accidently put the wrong picture at Rapidash without Pokémon Center NY stamp.
Also, I see you’ve included the non-holo Eevee, which was released in Japan. In that case you can also add the #1 Pikachu from Japan; #7 Jigglypuff from Japan; glossy #8 Mew from Japan; and non-Holo #10 Meowth from Japan. All were in English, but all were released in Japan only, just like the non-Holo Eevee.
@tenaciousm17@quuador lol, of course they would do that. Why make it easy for us collectors? Thanks for the info, I’ll add those after I get home from work!
@pkmnflyingmaster@pichufan Thanks, I use pkmncards as one of my resources but I personally don’t like how all of their images have the cards square. I’d prefer if it showed a full card scan (corners and all) so I chose to crop them myself.
Also thanks for that pokemontcg API, I never knew about that website and it looks very helpful!
Actually, unless I completely misunderstood our quick chat in the Youtube comments of his video about the WotC Promos set, he doesn’t own all of the Upside-Down WB stamps cards. He does, however, 100% own the missing stamp one
Ah ok, didn’t knew that. Even though the Upside Down versions are easier to find than the ones without stamp. I’ve only seen the Mewtwo and Dragonite each once without stamp, and I own the Pikachu myself. Never seen the Electabuzz yet. But as for Upside Down stamped versions, I’ve seen all four of them at least six times each.
@JoshsOddCollection One more English variant missing I now notice: non-Holo Birthday Pikachu with golden tail stamp, from the Pikachu Collection 2000 set (fun fact: the artwork is less zoomed in than the Holofoil version).
@JoshsOddCollection, one more to add onto here. The Mewtwo 12 also has a English version Japanese release as part of the JR stamp rally. It came with the non-holo eevee. It is really really hard to spot the difference. But it is printed on Japanese card stock, and the colour is a very very slightly different shade. Other than that they are identical, but for mad people like me it still counts haha.