Where would you be right now in life if Pokémon never existed?

I’ve always been a collector at heart.

When I was younger, I used to collect geodes, coins, DVDs, currency, cards, etc. I have to imagine that without Pokemon, I would still be collecting, though it may be MTG or another card game.

My professional life would be unchanged, but I would miss out on a lot of socialization and community. Some of my favorite people are Pokemon collectors who I met at trade nights or through community organizations.

I would also miss out on a lot of entertainment. I’m one of the 15% of e4 that watches the anime and keeps up with that side of the hobby. I find that the anime helps me live within the world as much as the video games or trading cards.

So while I would have more money and free time, I would be missing out on a lot of community, friendships, and entertainment. Really thankful to have a hobby as special as this.