What to search in Noppin/Yahoo Japan for trophy cards?

As the title suggests.

They usually pop up under pokemon cards. Its not like there are tons up all at once.

I know, I just wasn’t sure if there’d be a Japanese translation I’d have to input or not. I searched Pokemon Cards and the one listed currently didn’t pop up for me which is why I asked.

Oh ya noppin is different. I use buyee and you can just go to “pokemoncardgame” on the sidebar.

Try this ポケモントロフィーカード

I just search for Pokemon Cards and then list it by highest price. I usually see them by the 2nd page, which is around the $1k mark.

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Check out this awesome Yahoo Japan Search Guide we have: www.elitefourum.com/t/yahoo-japan-search-guide/13488/1


This exactly, I usually browse through the first couple of pages ordered from highest to lowest as well