What percentage of PSA submissions is Pokemon? (Data please)

(I couldn’t find a thread with this specific information but if one exists please link it.)

Conversely, any data that indicates the percentage that is Sports cards would also be very good to know.

Looking for answers that can quote data. Even if the data is somewhat out of date, it is far more useful than speculation.

The interest in Pokemon grading is high right now, but I think it’s good to keep perspective in regards to the recent PSA announcement.

Professional Sports Authenticator.

Thank you. :blush:

I don’t know the percentage, but I do know that the amount of sports cards submitted completely shits on Pokemon

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Yeah, I’d assume it’s probably <20% all TCG & >80% sports.

Try watching various Middle Man submission videos + visit sports forums. That should give you a good idea. I don’t have the data anymore but a few months ago this is what I did to get a good sense.


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