What is something new you have learned in the hobby in 2018?

I took the time to study all the sets in order they came out, just to get familiar with set’s I have never dealt with or just didn’t have the interest for. I was tired of looking at sets or certain cards and literally having no clue about them.

Learning to buy cards from different platforms outside the united states and canada

Uh oh…rest in peace your wallet :relieved:

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I’ve only seen a few copies of the fourth “variant” :blush: It’s an official print, but wasn’t released.

I learned more about magic the gathering through Pokemon this year. Also through Pokémon, I feel that i have learned a lot about human psychology. I know, deep stuff.


One of the many things, I’m starting to appreciate Japanese cards.
Fun fact: The older Japanese holo’s do not get covered by the evolution box as with the English cards. Didn’t know that but makes them look a lot better in my opinion.

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Most sealed product goes up or stays at its high, while graded cards fluctuate.

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Recently learned about the existence of the English Fossil Cosmos holo variant

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This is my first year collecting since I was a lil bugger. So, everything.


Same for me!

p.s. you’ve got one hell of a high post count for only one year of collecting! Keep them badges coming :wink:

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Tell me more please

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Parts of my life that were being fulfilled by collecting Pokemon cards are now being fulfilled by other things, and I find myself a lot less emotionally invested in Pokemon cards, and the hobby, in general.


That affect it had on you, you shared with others (including me). Those efforts have continued to have a positive influence on the hobby.

Thanks Gary. I’m not feeling despondent or negative at all about Pokemon or the Pokemon collecting hobby and I am still here and will continue to be here. It’s just for a few years there I was incredibly obsessive over it and it was because at the time it was tough to find positives, and Pokemon became a positive.

I have some other positives now so I don’t need to rely on it as much.


What I’ve learned: Sticking to a fixed maximum budget a month really spices up what you can and cannot buy, making you always settle with what fits your budget and not endlessly replacing the same card for a slightly better one.


Got back into collecting in June after some horrible surgery to the abdomen left me sitting down for a good month admiring all the cards me and my family collected from when I was 9 - 13 years old
I’d say for graded cards OLDER RARER MINTER BETTER was such a great thing to learn
and just collect what you want… not what will get you up-votes online or in the real world :face_with_spiral_eyes:


amen to that brother.

I recently learned that it is super easy to buy non English cards from cardmarket… if you are in the EU…

I learned about the multiple serial numbers on skyridge and similar era sets.

Totally the same here, obsessing over Pokémon got me through some really tough times, now that the tides are changing Pokemon is taking a back seat, but I’ll never stop loving it