Were sealed Munchs ever faked?


I noticed a handful of sealed Munch cards popping up on the like of Mercari in the last day or so, and the price point on them leads me to believe they are all too good to be true.

As an example:

Per the title, does anyone have experience with these? Are these yet another Munch product I should be wary of?

Thank you in advance!

Kind regards

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i have never looked at a sealed munch promo, but i have also never seen packaging like that on any promo before

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Ive seen people post on reddit and debate on how the seal on the plastic doesnt seem correct. Different size crimps in that example.

Seems like something that should be looked out for just in case.

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Hm. I still have some sealed promos from 2018. Here’s a rowlet for comparison:


Upon a glance, while on my phone, I can’t tell too much apart between these two. Maybe some slight change in colour contrast, but this may be down to the lighting of the background alone.

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From memory, I remember they had the 3 scream promos given out at Pokemon centers when buying packs (no cello) but there were also sealed ones that popped up from somewhere

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^ unsealed copies

^ short discussion about where the sealed copies were coming from, but never really figured out


I remember seeing these on ebay back when you could buy the rowlett, eevee, and psyduck together for $23. Not sure where these came from either and I always stuck with buying the loose versions myself.

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oh i guess that is how the cellophane pack is for these. interesting.


There must be thousands in that box alone, how is the price so high damn.

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Thank you for the picture! It seems there has been some debate as to where the sealed ones came from… May I ask where you got yours from originally?

Thank you for the information and that thread! Even if it is a fake, you have piqued my interest as to where these originate from!

In addition to the ones available via the Pokémon Centre, I remember some being distributed at the actual museum event (and some were packed in with mini-files, though I am not sure if all five cards were available that way).

In any case, I reached out to the seller directly to ask where he got his from. If anything comes from the enquiry, I shall post again!

:star:︎ Treasure box :star:

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Just noticed this topic is about sealed. I’ll leave here for reference but feel free to delete

Here’s a fake my friend bought on Ebay (and thankfully returned).

You can see the holograms were cut out with scissors and readhered to a fake label, hence the shadows and wonkiness.

The card is just a fake print that is too saturated.

Case was loose as it was resealed.


Yeah that Mimikyu font is off. Surprised eBay auth didn’t catch that.


No, good stuff! Thank you for that. I need to grab these at some point, so the knowledge helps.

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Just an update on the question to a seller who listed one of those… I asked him:

  1. If the card is authentic (not expecting an honest answer, but how people respond is telling enough), and

  2. Where he sourced the card from originally.

As of yet, he has not responded, which is something of an answer itself (it is seldom that I do not get an answer back within hours, and much less am ignored altogether).

However, a third party (kindly?) jumped in to inform me that (translated) ‘all of the “Scream” promos were distributed in packs, so it is unlikely to be fake’. Now, we already have photo evidence that was not the case, so he either is lacking that information, or potentially affiliated with the original seller.

I would hope it is the former, but all the more I am interested in pursuing this. The fact the origin of large quantities of a highly sought-after, ‘Modern’ card line remains a mystery is curious to me.

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