Web Charizard catching up to 1st Ed rocket?

While I understand that web series tends to fall under a little bit of a niche area because it’s so wacky. I’ve noticed web Charizard jump up significantly. With a recent private sale going for $825 and lowest on eBay being 1k where do y’all see the direction of this card. Do you think it has better footing than 1st Ed rocket considering difficulty to acquire and lower pop? Do you see more room for growth?

I may be wrong but I believe web series introduced the e series border before expedition was released.

I’ve never had a request for any of my web. Would love to see something happen.

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Forgive my stupidity, but what is a Web Charizard?


Web Charizard is from a special set that was released only in japan online in 2001 for a limited run. It features the same art as dark Charizard from rocket, but has the border than is found on e series cards

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Oh ok cool. Thank you!

Here what web card looks like.


Awesome thank you. Nice cards as well!

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The first set to feature the e-reader layout was the VS series: m.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_VS_(TCG)

On the topic of price, I don’t see the WEB Zard overtaking the TR Zard. Why? It’s a reprint and Japanese. Those two factors weigh very heavily on the popularity.
I mean personally I love WEB, but it’s still very niche and not widely known.


To add on to this. I have been collecting Web for the last two/three years. The 1st Ed were easy to get on and the prices for a
1st Ed Charizard PSA10’s were around $125. Not to speak about that Unlimited is harder to get then 1st Ed. :grin:
But nowadays its about putting your 1st Ed Charizard ( independant from which serie/set) on the market with a price that multiplies ?x the previous prices and see if you get a bite.
And at current many will bite.

1st edition rocket has the popularity factor AKA demand. Its a staple card if you don’t have one you’re viewed as a loser and will probably never get a girlfriend.

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Can confirm this. I never had a girlfriend prior to obtaining a 1st Edition Team Rocket Dark Charizard.
Of course, I was only 4 at the time. But that’s neither here nor there.

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Web Charizard got me a girlfriend.

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