Viridian's collection adventure

A few more pages…wow Skyridge is a big set. Slowly but surely getting to those crystals…


Here’s the last of the commons! Next time, it will be the crystals!


And here’s the finale, the Skyridge crystals! There was a loooot of effort and frustration to get these, particularly Charizard. But I’m happy they’re here together. Thanks for coming on this journey with me. I hope I’ll do more collection posts soon.


This was creative and a joy to follow.

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Just an aside, but this thread reminded me of it. I absolutely love how all Pokedex entries in the early games, especially for the rarer Pokemon, are mostly filled with speculative statements like “it is said…” as if these these creatures are the stuff of rumor and bedtime stories, like you’re experiencing through with a child’s perspective. It lends such an air of mystery and power to the Pokemon and messes with your sense of how much people in the Pokemon world understand about them. In later games a lot of them get replaced with crazy stuff like “this Pokemon can lift 25000 pounds with one finger while juggling 10 grapefruits” which makes me sad :slightly_frowning_face:

Yes I’ve noticed that too. The earlier entries tend to be more whimsical and magical. Kinda like the writing style of the early Harry Potter books lol. Maybe as time goes on they have to spice up the entries for older mons to keep things interesting, so they feel like they need more specific and crazy stats to keep ‘wowing’ people.

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I recently acquired someone’s entire Generations collection via a random eBay listing. Because of it’s insane size, I thought I’d post some pictures.

Three copies of each card!

Anybody ever watch these? lol

Pokedex and concept art!


It’s been a minute, but just wanted to share that I completed the Munch set. Did not break out Mimikyu because of the value, though I was tempted to!