Vintage boosters and what I should expect in prices

I used to be a huge collector but gave up collecting for a few years for college. Recently, I have been trying to find good deals on ebay and other auctions to try to learn about values, prices, and demand. I’m a huge fan of 1st edition and vintage packs but dont have the knowledge about the market nowadays. What should I be expecting for price ranges on packs like, 1st ed. Fossil, 1st ed. jungle, 1st ed Gym, 1st ed. Team rocket and other various packs?

You can check the sold listings on ebay to see the prices. A guide on how to do that can be found here:


The best place to understand prices for specific items that are traded frequently like your 1st edition WOTC packs would be eBay.

A quick search on Sold Listings would net you enough prices to understand how much they sell for.

Welcome back to the hobby and best of luck! :blush:


Appreciate the help! Feels good to be back.


A great site to use is “Sortsof . com” - Its basically a compiler of ebay sales/deals. Its basically the same display as ebay sold listings, but it also shows you what were the best offer prices that were accepted for various stuff. Ebay for instance doesn’t show you what was the best offer price that was accepted for some rarer items, but this site will show you which can be helpful for price estimates

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