What information do we have about this deck releasing worldwide? I know it existed in Japanese, that there are 2 different English variants of it out there as well as an Italian print. Do any other languages exist? How rare are these cards in Japanese and English? Any and all information about this would be greatly appreciated!
Tagging @smpratte since he commented on a similar thread 6 years ago but the link he posted no longer works.
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I’ve been wondering the same myself. I’ve seen the English and Italian ones, but since the Bulbapedia page mention some other languages I’d love to see (like Dutch, Danish and Swedish), I’m curious if they indeed exist. The Bulbapedia page doesn’t mention the Italian however, so not sure how accurate that information is, considering it’s a Wiki everyone can modify.
Apparently most information on the page was added by used Glik around 2015. I’ve just asked him a question about it on his user page, so hopefully he’s able to provide any insights or sources.