Hey everyone! I’m back with an update to my Voltorb collection. This time, I bring you my Japanese collection! I’ve spent far less time collection Japanese cards as opposed to English ones, mostly due to the later commitment to Japanese, but also because of the relative difficulty finding singles (especially Unlimited edition cards). As it stands, I am taking a break from Japanese, since my resources have run out, and I am instead focusing on other parts of my collection. With that in mind, I am always open to offers or trades if you have a card I am missing from this set, but I will not be actively searching for them for some time. I hope you enjoy these cards!
As a note, when cards are present in 1st edition and unlimited, the 1st edition cards are always listed first.
First off, like usual, we have the Base set. What I like about this, is that the cards here are the very first to be printed. The latter of the Voltorb and Electrode in Base are the “No Rarity” cards, which have been gaining a lot of popularity recently. Thanks to Faiarrow, I was able to obtain the Electrode. The bottom right Lt. Surge’s Voltorb has no rarity and is the theme deck exclusive card.
Lt. Surge’s Voltorb and Electrode on this page are also theme deck exclusives and do not have a rarity symbol. The next 6 cards play a large role in my decision to expand to Japanese Voltorbs. When I was collecting exclusively English, I also decided I should have the unique to Japanese cards, which include the glossy Vending Series Voltorb (first one) and the 1st edition and Unlimited Web Series Voltorb and Electrode. The second Vending Series Voltorb is actually from the Quick Starter Gift Set, is not glossy and is lacking a rarity symbol. These are among my favorite Japanese cards due to the uniqueness of the cards. The last card is 1st edition from The Town on No Map.
I really like the E-series cards, but unfortunately, I am missing a few of them. The unlimited cards are to blame as they are exceedingly hard to find and, in fact, all the cards I am missing are unlimited edition. The ones missing here, in order, are Aquapolis 33 Voltorb, Aquapolis 34 Voltorb, Aquapolis 35 Electrode and Skyridge Voltorb.
With the Advanced generation, we once again have the individual ID numbers to worry about. This time, with Japanese, there are a total of 8 copies per card that I needed to collect. Four unique codes for each individual card, just like English, for both the unlimited and 1st edition version of the card. Unlike English, however, the RH is replaced by a regular non holo card and, more importantly, the codes are completely different than corresponding English cards. You’ll find that most of the codes are the same as English through the other languages that have them. For the Undone Seal Voltorb, the codes are C66, F3X, NB5, P0P for both the 1st edition cards and for the unlimited cards, continuing onto the next page. For whatever reason, seeing a whole page of this once card has made me grow to really like the artwork haha
The Flight of Legends Voltorb codes are J3X, STD, 0SG, 6PY for both the 1st edition cards and the unlimited cards continuing onto the next page.
I’ve gotta say, I can see why people like to collect the ex cards in Japanese. They just look so much better than English. For the Team Rocket Strikes Back Voltorb, the codes are ESG, DPY, 09D, 71K for both the 1st edition cards and the unlimited cards continuing on the next page.
The two cards missing from this page are Team Rocket Strikes Back Voltorb with the codes 09D and 71K. The Voltorb from the English equivalent of EX Emerald has only one code due to it and the Electrode being deck exclusive cards.
EX Legend Maker was printed before EX Delta Species in Japanese; the opposite order in English. Voltorb from either set has only one code, making them easier to collect. Holon’s Voltorb and Holon’s Electrode were, unsurprisingly, difficult to find in unlimited. Interestingly, the Legend Maker Voltorb and Electrode, both theme deck exclusive cards, were easy to find in unlimited, but difficult to find in 1st edition. I think that is the only time where I have had a harder time finding the 1st edition cards.
A couple of interesting cards are on this page. First is the shiny Voltorb which gets a unique foil treatment not seen in any of the other cards in my collection. I like that is unique, though I think it sort of looks cheap. Electrode G is printed as a foil promo rather than a set card, making this one unique as well. The one in the scan is sealed, but I do have an unsealed one elsewhere. The Legend series introduced reverse foil cards in the main set, which was a nightmare for collecting. The unlimited cards were hard enough to get, but now I have to find unlimited reverse foil cards too… The two missing cards are unlimited Dialga Half Deck Electrode and unlimited Clash at the Summit Voltorb reverse holo.
The two cards I am missing are reverse holo unlimited Clash at the Summit Electrode and Electrode Prime. The Voltorb in the bottom right corner and Electrode on the following page are deck exclusives and don’t have 1st edition.
The second Promo Electrode card is the February 2013 Gym Challenge promo. I was surprised to find out that it is not holographic like the English version. I actually found out when I got it in the mail. XY just came out in Japanese, so I probably won’t see the unlimited Voltorb or Electrode for a while.
So, that’s it for my Japanese Voltorbs and Electrodes! My Japanese collection sits at 97/109 and my total collection is 204/216.
The next update will be either German, French or Italian so stay tuned! If you have any questions, please ask! And of course, if you have any of the cards I’m missing, please let me know!