Thunderstorm and Australian 3rd Print

Hey everyone! Quick q:

Are the 1999-2000 Zapdos, Golduck, Psyduck, Raichu, and Energy Search from the Thunderstorm/Tempest decks the same cards from the Australian Red 3rd print run? If I already own the Australian Red versions of these cards do I need to still track down Thunderstorm versions or do I technically already own them? Didn’t know if their material or gloss is any different, etc. Thanks!


Good question indeed. As far as I know, the ©1999-2000 Tempest Theme Deck wasn’t just released in Australia. It was also available in the UK and some European countries. So it’s possible the cards from the Tempest Theme Deck doesn’t have the same semi-glossy backs as the Australian Red Logo Fossil cards.

Since you’ve made me curious, I just checked myself with some of the cards I have in my collection, by shining an LED flashlight onto their backs:

  • For a regular US Jungle card, the reflection was just a vague spot, as expected
  • For the Base Set ©1999-2000 card, as well as two Fossil ©1999-2000 card from the UK Tempest Gift Box Theme Deck, the reflection was shinier and I could vaguely spot the individual LEDs of my flashlight. I’ve heard that the ©1999-2000 Base Set cards were somewhat glossier than their ©1999 counterparts, and apparently that’s true
  • For the Red Logo Pack Jungle card (unfortunately I don’t have a ©1999-2000 Red Logo Fossil card - yet, I just purchased one while writing this), I could easily see the individual LEDs from my flashlight, and the reflection was very bright

So there indeed seems to be a very minor difference between the ©1999-2000 Fossil cards from the Tempest Gift Box and the ©1999-2000 Fossil cards from the Australian Red Logo packs.

Then again, with the naked eye I couldn’t see the difference for either of the three. Only when shining with my LED flashlight on all three of them and comparing them side-by-side I could see the difference.

Here an old picture I once posted for the Australian Jungle Pikachu vs US Jungle Pikachu (the Base Set ©1999-2000 and Fossil ©1999-2000 cards from the Tempest Gift Box Theme Deck are in between these in terms of reflection):



Wow you’re the best. Thank you for the in depth (and in-real-time-researched) answer! I guess I’ll have to suck it up and hunt down these extra Thunderstorm/Tempest cards then!

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Glad I could help. And thanks for the question, since TIL myself. :blush:

And I would start with just one of them, so you can see the difference yourself first before buying all of them. As I mentioned, the difference is very minimal. And it also depends on your collection goal in general? I assume your goal is to own all different Fossil ©1999-2000 cards if I read between the lines?


The investigative work of Pokemon fans never ceases to amaze. Literal historians


I feel like i’ve missed something but how are people finding the 3rd print fossil cards? :grin: this isn’t the first time i hear someone owning a bunch of them and all i see is just some commons and few what feels like ocerpriced cgc rares on ebay, am i missing a platform where they are more accessible or how do these people owning them just appear from nowhere? :grin:

Tbf, after I noticed I have two ©1999-2000 Fossil cards but both are from the Tempest Gift Box Theme Deck, I tried to buy one yesterday that isn’t present in the theme deck but from the Australian Red Logo packs instead. Apart from some CGC-graded 1k+ cards, I could only find a single card (which I bought - a PSA-8 Lapras for a surprisingly cheap price of just 40 bucks). So apart from some Commons/Uncommons present in the Tempest Gift Box Theme Deck, there doesn’t seem to be any available for sale right now (on at least).

Maybe there is some local Australian market where they might be easier to find? (If I coincidentally come across a Muk in the future I’ll let you know.)


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I just bought a Thunderstorm box Golduck and I’ll compare it to my Australian Red! I already own the “complete” deck of Fossil cards aside from the Thunderstorm cards and about 2/3 of the Australian Red Logos, so my current goal is to collect all of those last cards to have an officially complete set :grin:

I found mine on eBay about a month ago. I must have just ran into a lucky streak because now I can’t seem to find any. Crossing my fingers that I run into another opportunity like that!

Happy to discuss a better price for e4 members on the cgc rares i have listed.

I’m embarrassingly new to e4, so forgive me but I’m not sure how to see your listed items. But I would love to check them out!

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I’m only interested in muk, thanks!