"Thin stamp" 1st edition team rocket cards

Has anyone ever come across these before? I bought a collection over the weekend that had several, commons and uncommons if I recall correctly. I had never come across these before in my couple’s years of collecting. When I get home I’ll post pictures of them, but the difference in the stamps is just like base sets thin and thick stamps variants. Thanks!

all team rocket 1st ed’s are thin, 1st ed base is the only set with thick

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Hmmmm, I guess thickness of thin or thick has room for interpretation? Some of the “1 portion” of the stamp are rail thin while others are not at all

The thin or thick is determined by the size of the 1 in the black circle, now how thick or thin the black portion is. Best seen in this post: www.elitefourum.com/t/1999-shadowless-thick-vs-thin-1st-edition-stamps/15881/11

Yeah I know that, but I’m confused. Perhaps I’m completely forgetting or something but i dont remember ever seeing team rocket cards with a stamp that looks like base sets “thin stamped” until now. All the ones I’ve seen are alike the “thick stamp” base set cards.

I have a ton of team rocket cards, as well as fossil and jungle and they all have thin stamps. Never seen thick stamped ones.

I think I know what you are talking about. I bought opened 1st rocket booster box with cards few weeks ago, and noticed some common/uncommon cards stamps were different than normaly. All holos were regular thin stamp. Anyone has some information about those? , I’m interest aswell. I can also post some photo on next weekend, once I’m back to home.

Just a degree of thin…but all thin and of no consequence.

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Yep so both are thin, team rocket set does have a cool variant, some of the 1st ed stamps can have excess ink such as yours pictured, some even become smudged

So why is one thin and thinner? As opposed to one being thin and thick like base set? Could you by chance provide a picture of base set cards next to eachother like the ones I posted so i can see the difference? I dont own any base set thin stamps, let alone much base set at all.

I have several Team Rocket cards with the smudged 1st edition stamp. I had always feared they might be fraudulent, but seeing someone else with the very same smudged stamped leads me to believe that they’re legit:)

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because what you have is a regular team rocket 1st edition card with the standard classic thin stamp, then you have a stamp which is even thinner due to the excess ink used.

edit: read this thread www.elitefourum.com/t/1st-edition-stamp-variations-lets-iron-it-out/17624/1

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Clean your nails


Looks like a variant worthy card in my opinion. If we’re susceptible to making such a distinguished opinion on different variants of stamps, why is an instance of this recognized loosely as “the same” instead of an official variant when it seems to be a repeated and consistent instance?

it is a known variant, some team rocket stamps had extra ink applied

Ah, sorry. I had misunderstood the reply as that it wasn’t a recognized variant and just another “thin stamp” but not one that was differentiated than any other thin stamp. Thanks for the clarification.

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Haha I promise I’m not a scumbag, I was painting trim on a house not long before I took that picture. I washed my hands but neglected my under nails!

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I see what your saying, so the thicker of my stamps pictured is not equivalent (as thick) to a base sets thick stamp. Its the same as a standard thin stamp. Thanks for chiming in here! Man I thought really had something there haha…

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Thanks for the link to my article, @acebren . :blush:

@mikejofthecoast It looks like a nice variation in your side-by-side comparisons. I didn’t even knew it occurred more often. I’ve heard it sometimes occurred with Team Rockets cards, but never seen them side-by-side like that. TIL. :blush: I agree with @azulryu that it’s worthy of its own variation, so I will add them to my article soon and send a reminder to myself right now. I personally see the “thinner” variation as smudged personally. With all of the ones you’ve posted pictures of you also see a black halve circle striking through the “EDITION” in your pictures. It’s not as bad as this Dark Gyarados from @shizzlemetimbers 's collection though, which I would see as an actual Smudge error, since also the entire “1” is covered in ink.

But to answer your original question: only the Base Set contains Thick 1st edition stamps (wide “1”); all other sets only contain Thin stamps (thin “1”), and variations of those (like the Grey Thin stamps, these or worse Smudged Thin stamps, and the “d” edition Butterfree printing bubble).
