There is a new king in town

With a cert like 22647826, this charizord was probably worth less than whatever the current chase zard in a black label sells for.

The relationship between PSA and Pokemon cards was entirely different back then. Pokemon cards were not treated very seriously. It would be like submitting a My Little Pony trading card today in a bulk submission and expecting a level of service high enough to catch a trimmed edge. It’s just not going to happen.


Thick stamp still king :tired_face:

This is a record price by a pretty substantial margin is it not? I dont keep up with it so i may be mistaken but i thought this card was selling for under 100k

There have been a couple private sales over 100k recently that I am aware of and at least one sale on Rare Candy for 125k but yes 180k is quite a jump

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Would be interesting to see if PSA would pay out on their guarantee.

2xxx cert bad, 9xxx cert good


Curious to see how that would work. Would they pay the difference at the time the mistake was made or would they use current prices.

On a $168k mistake? Never, ever, ever, ever, ever


:hocho: :eye:

[Sharp] [Eye]