The anime that could have been...

There was a live stream today for the new SWSH dlc and joined it towards the end where they showcased a BONES produced MV. I thought they were revealing a new anime and my disappointment afterwards was immeasurable :sob:

For reference BONES has produced: Full Metal Alchemist, Soul Eater, Mob Psycho, My Hero and a handful of others.

There something about the amount of character they put into it that makes the recent games and anime pale in comparison. I wish for nothing more than a concise Pokemon anime that’s slightly more mature.


When people like fourthstar says all pokemon games are amazing, I feel like theyre concentrated too hard on what pokemon is rather than what it could be. Loved the video, too bad its only that, a single music video.

I couldn’t agree more. I’ve really enjoyed SWSH, but for the core reasons I like all of the Pokemon games: I get to collect, train and battle with Pokemon I like. The core gameplay and new pokemon have always been a hit for me, it’s just everything around it that has felt mediocre since the move to 3D. Well, I did like SM, but XY and SWSH in terms of story play through felt mediocre.

I wonder if the combo of lack of 3D game dev experience in GameFreak and deadlines have made for clunky development cycles? With the outcry from SWSH I hope the next Gen is a smash hit in terms of quality, but given how well SWSH sold they have no incentive to do so.


Well it made gangbusters so unlikely :slightly_frowning_face:

I agree, since they’ve moved to 3D the story has always been so intrusive. It seems like I’m stopped every 5 minutes to either be told exactly what I have to do next or be reminded who my rival is. I just finished playing through Blue recently and I really liked that they just dropped you into this world, explained what your goal is, and showed you how to play and then you’re free to explore at your leisure. That’s why I loved the wild area in Sword and Shield.

Very cool clip for sure. Thanks for sharing! Although I have to be completely honest, it didn’t really gave me any Pokémon vibes tbh. Don’t get me wrong, I love watching anime. I’ve watched every single Pokémon episode and movie (all 1,000+), as well as 150+ other anime in full, including most from BONES: My Hero Academia, Soul Eater, Noragami, Kekkai Sensen, etc. (I haven’t watched Fullmetal Alchemist, since I’ve seen Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood instead, and Mob Psycho is still on my Plan to watch list). Anyway, although it would be cool to have a big studio like them create an entire season of Pokémon episodes, which would definitely score a lot higher than most Pokémon anime seasons on websites like myanimelist or anilist, and I would definitely love to see it. At the same time this clip at least didn’t gave me the same nostalgic feeling the current Pokémon seasons give tbch. This is mostly due to the clip itself no doubt, and not so much the animation style. I think that if the anime itself remains similar in genre and theme, but the animation style is upgraded to what we see in the clip from BONES, it would definitely be a huge improvement I’d love to see. Although Pokémon has always been more a quantity over quality in terms of anime in my experience, which doesn’t make me love it less so regardless.

PS: I’ve never played any of the Pokémon games, so can’t form any opinions about those.


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I agree that I didn’t feel the same nostalgic feeling when watching the clip, but I want something new from Pokemon. I’m getting a bit of a stale feeling with the games and anime as I don’t think they have changed much since Pokemon was created and I would like to see Pokemon take a chance and produce something for older fans that have been with them so long. Unfortunately, I fear that they will never do this because taking a risk on something new without knowing it will sell is foolish when they know they will make money with the same old method they have been using from day one.

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This, this, this! The freshness of it being something new is what excited me. I want an anime where the characters feel more real in the way they express their motives and interact with the world and other characters. I’ve always felt like the main anime has been pretty ham fisted with their characters to a point where it feels a bit corny. I mean that’s part of the fun/charm of it, but it would be nice to have something different. Something more in the vein of the Twilight/Origin shorts, but focused on a set cast of character and be a 1-2 season show (12-24 eps).

It does make we wonder if the Origins/Twilight short series are their way of gaging the interest on that type of content. Maybe as the age of the Pokemon audience grows this type of project wouldn’t be considered as risky.