Super Unique Blister ... Possible 1/1

I stumbled across a unique blister that I recently added to my collection and was curious to see whether anyone had any more information on this type of item.

A 2-pack blister with (at least one) black triangle pack(s). From what I can tell the second booster is black triangle as well, but clearly a bit more difficult to verify.

Excell Marketing, the packaging company, is legit and mostly started to gain prevalence around Base Set 2. My assumption is that they purchased a booster box with black triangles and then re-packed, but I rarely see this type of blister (can’t say ever, personally) in the market and certainly NEVER with black triangle packs.

I wanted to share for those interested in this type of item as well as to see if others had any input.

Happy collecting!


That’s really interesting. I’ve never seen that type of blister or a blister containing a black triangle pack. Great find! Congrats!

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Did you get this off eBay a couple weeks ago? I saw one on there recently. Blister packaging like this is collectible to some, but more niche than just sealed. I prefer the more pristine raw packs. Blisters wreck the packs, I had to rip a few for some rare foreign language packs.

I personally can’t get that excited over third-party resealed products. Triangle packs are very cool though! It’s definitely a relic from the time.


@packyman This was purchased privately. I wasnt able to find anything in recently sold on eBay, curious if you have the auction?

the aftermarket packaging is cool, but doesn’t add much more value over the premiums already attributed to the product due to the addition of the black triangles. IMO

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Yeah, definitely would be more amazing in official Pokemon single blister packaging.

I tried looking but wasn’t able to find it anymore. It was exactly the same from what I recall. Black triangle packs are definitely a cool item to own.

As others have highlighted, the black triangle pack is going to bring in majority of the value. While I personally am nostalgic for stuff like this, I wouldn’t pay a significant premium. Still a cool item either way! :sunglasses:


Honestly, I’d consider opening it to see if the other pack is black triangle. 2 black triangle is probably worth more than a third party repackage. Certainly to me it is.


Planning to open the packs? :slight_smile: