Stolen Pokemon Card (Brewstew)

Happy that you get better and you believed in something to fight for. Also awesome you learned from harder times too to bring out a better outcome. Everything will be ok if you don’t give up. Some things can’t be replaced while other things can always be accessible in a lifetime :blush:

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You should know better than to be sorry about expressing such heartfelt feelings so well. The whole reason you’ll succeed is because now you can share your story and that can most certainly help others.
Keep it up and know I’m a big fan of yours:)

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@obliviox91, Absolutely, and thank you! Ive learned a lot in life through many experiences, and tons of which many either never go through or have and have not grown through them, but all and all Im happy to be where I am today and couldnt be more grateful for it. =) Everything is always possible as long as you keep going forward.

And @garyis2000, haha I take that back then. Not sorry =). Haha and I am honored to have you in my corner rooting for me as well, because you too are also a huge fan of mine!

E4 rocks.