ShyGuy's Collection

Haha I’m not sure if there is anything to work out. I’m just a random ordinary guy :wink:

Wow this is beautiful! Amazing collection!

Oh, nice set. Only missing the Sample Hoppip (same as the last one, but with sample at the bottom right). And of course a regular English one. :wink:

Congrats on the Matchprint btw. Only two of these Matchprint Hoppips exist.


Thanks @quuador!
I definitely wanted to own one matchprint card, so I figured I would aim for the Hoppip to go along with my other Hoppips. :blush:

And yeah I still need that sample one haha. I do have a sample Chansey, so maybe I’ll share that card next.


New Year update time :blush:

I thought I’d share a few interesting cards I’ve had for a couple of years now. First is the inverted WB error Dragonite card. I generally don’t focus on collecting error cards, but this one fascinated me for some reason. I actually would prefer the Mewtwo or Pikachu versions, but I saw this card for a good deal on ebay and had to get it!

Next are the Sample Chansey and FPO Charizard. I think both the Sample set and FPO set are very interesting and have cool stories. It seems extremely difficult to obtain an entire set, so I just went with my favorites from each (although I still want the Sample Hoppip at some point). :blush:


Trophy Kanga :blush:


OOOOoooooh nice!! Where’d you get this? :open_mouth:

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I bought it off of Yahoo Japan a while ago. Had to pay a bit more than I would have liked, but figured it was best to get it sooner rather than later. :wink:

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You’re collection is amazing. Especially love the Trophy Kanga and Dragonite inverted stamp error. :blush:

Thanks! I had been admiring the Kanga for a long time, so I’m glad to have finally added it to the collection. :blush:

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Damn! you sir have one hell of a collection!! :blush:

At this point, every time I see a trophy card not part of shyguy’s collection that got sold, I just assumed he got it :wink:

Thanks @mkpokecc!

@nuttun Haha I think I’m about done with trophy cards now. Even if I wasn’t, I don’t think I could afford some of these prices I have been seeing. :open_mouth:

I am a little interested in the more recent Victory Ring and Victory Decoration trophies, but probably only if I can find a good deal for them.

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Hi ShyGuy. :neutral_face:
You have an awesome collection ! :heart_eyes:

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Thanks @yuki! :blush:

Excited to add a very unique ‘card’ to the collection: Champion Road 2000 No.2 Trainer

This card is metallic, so it’s debatable whether or not it can actually be considered a card. Either way, I’m happy with it. :blush:

I find it very beautiful to look at from the front, especially at the right angle. The back is a bit disappointing, though, as it seems slightly less polished and also has slight discoloration on the left edge. I am not sure if this was present originally or was caused by external factors, such as the slab it was encased in.


Wow, that card is gorgeous!! Would it be at all possible to get a high res scan please? I’m a sucker for shiny things XD

Thanks! I would love to help out, but unfortunately I don’t have a scanner. :slightly_frowning_face:

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This is an amazing find, really unique. You just don’t see stuff like this every day. Congrats! :blush:

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Thanks @lugiaslair249 and @hersheycardcollector! I’m also glad I could help keep the card within the E4 community :blush: