Shining Fates Error Pack

So I decided to open up a shining fates tin tonight. First pack I grabbed seemed oddly heavy. I think to myself “Gonna save this one for last! I bet it has something good in there.” So I open up the other packs, got some great pulls, good fun all around.

Then I get to the last pack and open it up. First thing I notice is how thick the stack of cards is. Okaaaaay, definitely odd. I start going through the cards in order. Common, common, common, common, common…wait for it…common? My first reaction is “Did someone already go through this? But it was in a sealed tin…that I got from GameStop today…which they kept in a locked drawer. That can’t be right.” So I keep going. Common, common, common, common, shiny Corvisquire! And then the rest as expected.

It seems as though that pack just got a second stack of commons. This is the first time I’ve actually opened an error pack, and even though it turned out to just be extra commons, I thought it was super cool.

Have any of you ever had a similar experience?


Modern day quality control strikes again! :stuck_out_tongue:

I personally can’t recall opening a pack with additional freebie cards inside, but I know similar packs have been recorded at least as far back as Jungle. It is indeed super cool to see and hear about though!

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My favorite error pack that I ever got was a yugioh error pack back in 2014. For those who don’t know, packs are similar to pokemon in the sense that there is either a hit or there isnt. Bought a single blister from Target and to my amazement, there were 4 secret rares in that one pack (pokemon equivalent would be getting 4 gold card secret rares in one pack)! never had seen that before in my life. Was completely mind blown.


it’s like a reverse god pack


@scizorkick I have a couple thick packs as you describe. I believe Hidden Fates and Generations. I had opened one in the past before realizing what I had and found similarly just extra commons so now when I come across them I just keep them sealed.