Shadowless 1st Edition Base Set Collection

Hi Everyone!

Before I jump in, I wanted to say thanks to everyone who back in August/September 2018 gave me advice. I came here last year asking for advice on how to begin selling my collection (collected the entire 1st Edition, Shadowless base set with my parent’s help as a kid) and received lots of great advice. So thank you to all that were involved!!

As a result, I sent them out to be graded and wanted to share what I finally got back in today and how my collection has rounded out! I only sent in holographic cards. I ended up being very pleased with the grades, coming in higher than what was estimated they would be on many cards.

I wanted to share the results since there was interest back when the topic came up and I can’t seem to navigate and find where I previously asked for help, so hopefully this is an okay place to post them.

For starters, I also sent in 3 cards from the Fossil and Jungle set each:


  • Lapras: 9
  • Dragonite: 9
  • Articuno: 8


  • Kangaskhan : 9
  • Snorlax: 8
  • Vaporeon: 3 [In hindsight I could have picked a better card but I just was committed to sending in 3]

Base Set:

  • Alakazam: 7
  • Blastoise: 8
  • Chansey: 8
  • Charizard: 8
  • Clefairy: 8
  • Gyarados: 9
  • Hitmonchan: 9
  • Magneton: 9
  • Mewtwo: 8
  • Nidoking: 8
  • Ninetales: 8
  • Poliwrath: 7
  • Raichu: 8
  • Venesaur: 7
  • Zapdos: 8

Considering many of these cards were collected back when I was a child, again with the assistance of my parents (I even stumbled upon the ebay receipt for the Charizard), I’m pretty excited and glad I held onto them for so long. The remainder of the cards in the collection I did not get graded. At the time, and still currently, it just wasn’t financially feasible for me. I’m holding onto the collections for now, but 2019 holds both purchasing my first house and a wedding (just got engaged this month!) so we’ll see what this year holds for the collection.

Thank you again to this community for all your help getting to this point! I’m very excited to finally have the collection reunited and graded!

Edit: I did not include Machamp because the only Machamp I had was Shadowed. I replaced it with an already graded version so it wasn’t included in this batch.


That is a great set of grades for the base set!

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Awesome results for that Base Set, congratulations! Did you not have / submit a copy of Machamp?

Thanks! I didn’t submit one. I didn’t have a Shadowless Machamp (it was the only one I was technically missing, mine had a shadow) so I ordered an already PSA graded Machamp back after I sent these out.

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Awesome. Be sure to post a picture with all of them together man, they just look so awesome as a set!

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Nice to beat your expectations on some of the grades.