Selling Bulk from Europe?

Just wanted to ask if any of our European (or maybe even US users) have any experience with selling bulk. I’d obviously be willing to ship to the US if the price is much better. I have primarily English and German cards.

I am in the UK and sell bulk quite often. I would say, depending on the amount of cards you’re selling it is likely not going to pay off sending from your country to another.

To give you an example, I recently sold 10kg of bulk cards for £75, shipping to my also UK based buyer cost me £12, so I only made £63 on that deal. I am sure sending to another european country would cost me in excess of £30. I didn’t mind even if I only made £10 because they were taking up space and I needed to order more stuff, but didn’t even consider selling abroad due to shipping costs. Also, bear in mind that if a buyer is unhappy with a purchase, he can return the items, in which instance you would end up losing the shipping cost.

On the other end, if you’re selling bulk stacks of 50 or 100 cards, you should be ok selling Europe wide at least, as shipping costs will be negligible.

The only circumstance in which I think selling bulk with worldwide shipping may be worth it is if you’re selling bulk rares mixed with some semi bulk cards that catch people’s attention, but even then I would say selling local or Europe only is your best option.

If you have any more specific questions, just let me know. :blush:

Bulk has become very competitive for everyone. Basically anything involinvg newer sets is extremely competitive with little to no margins. As @kaldoverde mentioned, shipping internationally isn’t a viable option.

Typically the larger businesses naturally dominant this market. Try doing a couple listings and see how it goes.

Thanks for the insight so far. Does anyone have any good places to sell bulk to in europe? Best I could find is 3cents (euro cents) per Common/Uncommon, which seems kinda low.

Lol. if you want bulk, buy from Japan, don’t buy from Aus or USA or UK as postage is so high…

but yeah, i guess english cards aren’t in japan, so yeah, you sort of have to end up paying those expense postage costs. And deal with all the duty and customs etc… T.T

Anyways, if you want Japanese cards, good idea to buy direct from Japan as the postage is so cheap compared to international countries.

Like i can ship you 10000 cards today (with over 500+ holos, full arts, some shining, etc.) for $500 USD + $150-250 postage (depending on your region, need to recalculate), but that is over 20kg incredibly cheap postage via express airmail.

20 kg from America would be a ton more… easily over $350+

I want to sell, not buy, though? ;-; I’m confused now.

I donate all my non wizards bulk. I drop them off at hospitals and at our schools in impoverished neighborhoods. The schools end up selling them and use the money for road trips to our adventure interactive museum.
Even donating portions of what you have could mean the world to some of your local organizations.

The payoff is huge, much bigger than what t&t will give;)

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Don’t have a single non-WOTC card in that bulk.

Depends on your country really. In my experience, larger european countries have ebay, which I would recommend if you prefer convenience over profit. i.e.: You just want to get rid of the cards even at a small profit.

If you live in a smaller country in which ebay isn’t that popular, or if you want to avoid fees, you can search for local pokemon tcg groups on facebook. Beware though, as these offer no protection against scammers. If you go down this route I recommend you join the group and spend a couple of weeks interacting with the community until you know which members are thrustworthy. Some facebook groups do keep feedback records of their users, but again, it all depends on the country you live in.

Also, if you have any local shops you may try and trade them with other players. Maybe do stuff like 10 bulk commons or 5 bulk uncommons for 1 bulk rare. If nothing else, it will at least reduce the weight of your bulk lot.

Lastly, and sorry if I sound pessimistic, but if your bulk is mostly commons and uncommons and only a few rares it will be very hard to send through the post in a cost effective manner.

I don’t think the kids would complain if they were wotc cards;)

Try to find your equivalent of craigslist or ebay and sell the cards within your own country.
I always sell my bulk here in Sweden on Swedish sites, most of the time it’s parents that buy and pay very well to get large quantities of cards for their kids :blush:

For how much would you sell WOTC Cards?

I think they have been going for 0.25 up to 0.5 dollar each or so, but mainly I have been selling newer sets :blush:
I like to split my lots up in packages of 100-200 cards at a time.