Searching for PSA 10 1st edition Fossil cards.

Hello Collectors, as the title states I am searching for PSA 10 1st edition Fossil set cards. Please PM me if you have anything you want to offload.

Hey bud,

State a price and/or which cards your looking for. Vague requests usually don’t receive replies. We’re fairly open about pricing as well, so it’s easier and more transparent to negotiate out in the open. It’s a bit different than most sites, but it keeps the bidding fair and consistent.

Thank you for understanding.

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Fair enough, I am looking for any PSA 10 1st edition Fossil cards to add to my collection. State your price and we will go from there. I am willing to pay market value and will pay extra depending on the scarcity.

Once again. Here, whoever makes the initial request states the price. We try to help each other out and we all are fair.
Also, what fossil cards? Com/uncommons? Rares? Holos?

I have the following holos in 10s: moltres, aerodactyl, magneton, haunter 2x. Pm me an offer if you’re interested.

So, a quick check on the recent influx of non-holo 10s would lead me to guess:

$19.99 for low end rares
$24.99 for mid tier rares
$40+ for more sought after rares such as Dragonite or Gengar

$15/$20/$30 for uncommons if you tier them off by desirability/pop

$10/$15/$20 for commons - same.

It’s Friday & I’m bored in front of a computer counting minutes until my next thing. I didn’t check ebay, but something similar seems reasonable. Sometimes, I’ll do a deal where I’ll pick a number in the middle & say, “regardless of card let’s do x for this price/ea” You may get some more desirable and lesser cards mixed in. It keeps the deal simple and easy for both parties.