RICKYBOBBY's not so high class collection

Love the birds!

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Added some birds to the collection.
I know the Carddass are not technically promos, but still love them. Seem to be getting harder to find in good shape.
ANA promos as well


Finally finished my PSA 9 1st TR Holo collection. Guess I will start working more on the binders now?


Reads title, ‘not so high class collection’. Thinks ‘Finally a collection like mine!’. *Sees complete psa 9 1st rocket holo collection.*ಠ_ಠ

But big congrats on completing it! Definitely a tougher feat than back in February! And I love the recent birds purchases. ANA birds are my favorites and I’ve recently started watching out for ‘monsters collection’ carddass myself. You planning on getting the topsun cards? The holo ones I’m sure are pretty $$$, but the regulars probably aren’t too bad.

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There are a few promos I am looking into at the moment. Finding the Carddass trios is near top of lists. Grandparty is one of the current chase cards also.