Returning Collector seeking advice

Hello everyone.

After going through my cards after many years, I’ve decided I’d like to get back into collecting…but I feel rather overwhelmed.

Most of my collection up to now is English early EX series through the end of the DP sets, with a few XY and BW thrown in there. Going back to collecting from those earlier ones would be great, but with them being out of circulation, packs/boxes really aren’t much of an option. I guess I could do singles. And having purchased some recent SM cards, I just don’t care for them all that much. I do like XY though. I’ve also heard the Japanese side is better for collecting compared to English.

So, I guess I just don’t know what I should do. It’s a bit frustrating not really knowing where to start. Here’s some of the major questions I’ve got:

  • If I had to go with set releases, I’d probably choose JP, but how about promos and exclusives?
  • Is it even worth buying EN packs/boxes if I decide to do that?
  • Would I just be repeating myself too much if I went for both EN and JP promos? (Lot of overlap?)
  • How hard is it to get a hold of some of the more exclusive JP retail items?
  • Are JP Booster Boxes still obtainable from the XY and earlier eras?
  • What makes a card worth getting PSA graded over another?

Sorry if it’s a bit incoherent or directionless, just would like to hear some advice from those who who’ve been in the hobby for longer. Thanks!

Welcome back to collecting! It certainly can be overwhelming, I made this guide awhile back to answer common questions:

  1. What with internet marketplaces, Yahoo Japan, and the prevalence of Pokemon collecting, I wouldn’t worry about promos/exclusives as they’ll most likely come up for sale. The tough part is finding the lowest-priced way to get them from Japan to where you live.

  2. You will only make money opening English product if you open hundreds (if not thousands) of booster boxes that you get at distributor pricing. If you’re just looking for certain cards from a set, buying singles is the best way to go. However opening a whole booster box is a blast, and that enjoyment is basically what you’re paying for.

  3. Many people collect both English and Japanese, you should choose what makes you happy.

  4. The only difficulty to obtaining JP exclusive items is money. They will come up for sale, it’s just how much you want to pay.

  5. Yes they are, just probably at a bit of an increase. BW boxes are quite expensive now, DPP boxes maybe less so, ADV/PCG basically nonexistent.

  6. Condition, personal attachment, and value are the main reasons why people PSA grade cards.

Hope this answers your questions!


Hey! Thanks for the reply. Your guide has some good things to consider.

Like I said, my biggest predicament is the JP vs EN choice. Though if money is the main barrier, I think I can manage that. I’ve got another collecting hobby that occasionally requires proxying from YA!J, so I know the struggle there. But, thanks for the information otherwise!

Oh, one more question, if you can answer. Is there a good source of information for upcoming Japanese promos/releases/exclusives?

I’d suggest that since you collected English when you were younger you can’t go wrong continuing on that path. Later on you can add some Jpn if you’d like.

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Pokebeach and bulbapedia (their SM-P promo card list is the best out there)

Don’t use sandpaper to clean your cards :smirk::ok_hand:


Here’s my 2 cents on JP or English releases.

Pick whichever 1 you like. Personally I picked JP release to remain consistent in my collection.

Some advantages to JP cards

  1. It has more exclusives compared to English release, just look up the team rocket special case promo set, arguably the best promotion I seen in years. Not to mention all the Pikachu poncho full art exclusives. In addition, the recent English release would remove some cards from the official JP set and release them in promo tins/blister packs as promotional cards. Personally I feel it cheapens the exclusiveness of promotional cards.
  2. Cheaper than English release. When you have limited funds and would like to purchase an older card from the first few generations such as Base set, Rocket & Neo, JP cards are a lot more affordable. Again price correlates to the higher demand for English release.
  3. JP Cards are 90% of the time available in Gem Mint condition fresh out of the pack. This is perfect for individuals who strive for the highest grade possible in their collection.

Disadvantages to JP cards

  1. You can’t read the text on the cards (unless you know Japanese). Personally, I don’t mind.
  2. Less value as an investment. This is a very important point to consider especially if you entering the world of collection with a side objective for investments. Personally I entered this hobby with the mindset I would NEVER sell any of the cards I purchased. This is a hobby I never sought to make money off. Kudos to the rest who are able to do so.

I hope this helps. :blush:


Thanks to everyone who took the time to respond! I appreciate it.