Remember these?

No, PSA says they don’t grade stickers. Topsun and Bandai got slipped past them, probably because someone sent them the cards in the set and later threw them a cuve ball by showing them that stickers are a part of the set as well.

ah… what are you guys talking about, i think Gary is trolling.

You guys want these ? i’ll find you 1,000,000 in Hong Kong right now! all the variants, all the gyarados with grass type moves, all the different prism patterns.

I remember i was buying binders at a second hand shop in Hong Kong, which had a ton of these stupid stickers… i paid $10 per binder still for the dam legit binders they were in. *i made a thread about these about 4-5 years ago here, i can’t remember where it is now…

These ended up in schoolyards throughout the world in 1999-2000… i remember when i was younger. You’d find these at the flee markets.

Hah no they are just funny to reminisce over :wink:

Lol I reminisce pain and suffering. Disappointment that I thought these were real at 12 when they first came at school and everyone was using. Trying to trade for real cards. Arrhh it was just a shit stain on society…
Nothing good from it…

Find me a Charizard? At a good price though :unamused:

Yes and we have learnt from it and now know. Of course its horrible being scammed with fake cards…but atleast I can look back and laugh at what an idiot I was(still am, just less of one).

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I don’t sell fakes lol, I destroy all the fake and highly damaged cards I find. They deserve to be thrown away.

Yea hah lets not buy and sell fakes here! we can chat, laugh at them…but in the end they are a disease to the hobby.

These cards were never mistaken for standard cards. They are obvious stickers which nobody with half a brain could mistake for anything else.

I want a Charizard @kkthxbai

:sob: feelsbadman, one of my first posts on this forum was asking what on earth the thing was. Me having zero knowledge of Japanese cards at the time, thought it was a reverse holo from the japanese gym sets lol :stuck_out_tongue: .

No offense brother:)

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I wouldn’t mind having a full set just because they are shinny lol, but almost impossible to find them online. The real ones anyways.

I’ve seen non-sticker versions of these as well. I actually bought them. They were like 0.25 each and looked cool for 12 year old me.
I found out very fast they were 100% fake because holding them to the light they weren’t solid cards.


Two of my sons were that age back then and even they knew they were only shiny stickers. They stuck them to everything and really enjoyed them. That was why I tried to build sets of them and they have their own special binder:)

Hah yea you know straight away something is up.
It doesnt really matter, they are fake, stickers and not worth the time or effort. Never collected, never will.Just reminiscing about times past when I first saw a sticker fake shiny gold MUK which clearly was fake and found out straight away after holding and peeling

So yea, never mistaken for real cards by anyone :blush: I never meant they were ha

The way it appears, these are not fake cards. They are real stickers. You see, you can’t call a base Charizard a fake sticker. Just a real card lol.

These are the only 2 fake cards fI have from when I was a young collector.
I get your point, all I was contributing was yea I remember these, yea I had a couple, yea they werent real cards.
Kind of strayed away from my light hearted post ha! I dont mean to make it into a debate just yup these were crap and I remember them ^.^ anyways back to the fun part…ive found my 2 fakes from about 19 years ago.
Ill pop them on once ive taken a pic :grin: