Raging Surf Sealed Battle Tournament Promos - Victini ex (TW/HK, Thai, Indonesian, Korean)

‘Pokemon Taiwan & Hong Kong announced the ‘Victini Battle’. It will be a sealed battle format Tournament with Raging Surf packs. The tournament prize will be Victini ex SAR & Victini ex SR Promos. Japan has not yet revealed these promos.’

illus. Saya Tsuruta
052/SV-P Victini ex

illus. Saki Hayashiro
051/SV-P Victini ex

Both of these cards are alternative artworks of the ex Start Deck Victini ex

28/9 update:
Thai versions have been announced for the Victini ex sealed battle tournament ahead of their set to be released on October 27

3/10 update:
TPC announced Indonesian versions on their site

13/10 update:
Korean versions have been announced on the official site, also for their Raging Surf Sealed Battle



I don’t think all of the Pokemon inside the illustration are playable, but it’s nice that they are featured since they are in the set (well besides Victini itself lol).

its insane how much of a step up these are compared to last year’s

Yeah I’m gonna need that SAR


Possible Chinese exclusive promos?

Raging Surf released last Friday for JP, and no JP version of SR/SAR Victini ex promo has been announced since

It feels like TPC is attempting to redirect international demand for potentially popular JP promos to international languages instead, along with the opening of a Pokémon Center in Taipei (Taiwan) in December 2023

Release exclusives per language this year:


Thai versions have been announced for the Victini ex sealed battle tournament ahead of their set to be released on October 27


2023 and still we have no uniformity in releases lol

Is this the first time a card has released in Taiwan and Hong Kong before Japan?

No. The first Traditional Chinese card released before Japanese was the male prints of Indeedee V.

The card was released in the SC2a set - a set exclusive in Traditional Chinese - on August 21, 2020. The Japanese copy was released as a promo card given out in CL2021, whose first occurrence was on October 3, 2020, a month after SC2a.

As the Japanese copy has a promo number of #059 which was way before the number to be assigned to CL2021 promos (around #135) and the CL2020 stamp albeit given out in CL2021, this card was assumed to be planned for CL2020 release in Japan but was eventually delayed and fall behind Traditional Chinese copies due to remaining CL2020 events being cancelled.


Thanks for the detailed response!

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Indonesian copies announced as New Release Battle promos for the upcoming SV3s set.
So now all 3 Southeast Asian regions get this card just like Charizard VMAX SAR.


Update for Victini ex and other language exclusives:

Indonesian versions:


Korean versions have been announced on the official site, also for their Raging Surf Sealed Battle



So do we know when the Indonesean and Korean tournaments start?

Indonesian - October 27
Korean - October 20


Thank you Koala as always!

pretty cool card

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Finally got that SAR :sunglasses: