QotD: What move would you give to Pokemon to make sure its Mega version becomes even stronger and has better coverage versus weaknesses?

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Today’s Question:
QotD: What move would you give to Pokemon to make sure its Mega version becomes even stronger and has better coverage versus weaknesses? (this was a suggested question)

Helpful Considerations: Typing based? Surefire hits? Boosts?


Being specific would make easy games even easier so how about something like metronome? It could have randomized coverage which can potentially be better than nothing right?

Close Combat, Hypnosis, Recover, Perish Song, Mean Look, Spirit Shackle, Drain Punch

Slack Off, Shift Gear, Megahorn

Thousand Arrows, Shore Up, Anchor Shot



Thanks for accepting this suggestion! Even nowadays I like to play Battle Tree in Ultra Sun & Moon so these ideas are purely based on gen 7 movepools. :slight_smile:

Metagross is already solid choice but I’ve always thought how quickly things would snowball out of hands with water move like Liquidation ( covers two biggest weakness and has decent chance to lower defense ), Waterfall is second option yet not necessary due to STAB Zen Headbutt.

Mega Garchomp has amazing physical power yet it has always been overshadowed by regular form which has better speed. Let’s go a bit crazy and give it Accelerock, there will be fainted Pokemons and rage. :pikahappy:


This Banette would be real nightmare to deal with!


I’m by no means an amazing competitive player, but here are a few with my limited experience/preferences I’d add:

Mega Manectric: Ice Beam; It already gets signal beam, and like so many other electric types, lacks coverage for ground types outside Hidden power.

Mega Aerodactyl: Brave Bird; Tough Claws boosted powerful STAB. It’s bad enough it was designed with that rock beard, it at least deserves good flying STAB. However if Brave Bird is too much, I think Dual Wingbeat would work too.
Head Smash would be a fun addition for how comically powerful it’d be. Just saying.

Mega Houndoom: Hydro Steam; This may admittedly be a stretch thematically, but this is my favorite mega and I’d love to see it get some recognition via unique coverage.


One combination I forgot to include in previous reply was U-turn for Swampert, while it doesn’t completely solve problem with grass types at least you have reliable way to get out of harm’s way. :slight_smile: