PSA Graded vs. Sealed Products... thoughts?

I could write an essay to argue for both sides of the coin, but really, I would like to see what you guys have to say regarding and your for and against arguements :blush:

Are you asking what we think about PSA grading sealed product or are you comparing owning sealed product versus owning graded singles?

Sorry, should of clarified that… I mean in comparison of the two. Not PSA grading sealed product.

From a selling stand point, if you could pitch only one to a customer - what would it be and why? :blush:

sealed, you can always crack it open and grade, best of both worlds

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I’m more of a graded singles collector because I like looking at the cards and it provides more of a chase when collecting. It expands your options for collecting because of all the possible card combinations you could own. Sealed product is great and all but for me it would just sit locked up and never see the light of day and there’s a very limited number of items you can acquire by comparison. That said, I do really want a sealed box of the first three sets in Japanese because the art on the boxes is way better than the English versions. I see myself buying more cards first though.

If we are talking value potential, it’s going to be hard to beat sealed product when the very nature of the item is to open it, creating less supply each time a seal is popped.


Very good arguement for both sides.

I feel the same, I’m collecting sealed product but for the veeeeerrryy long game. We’re talking probably 10-15+ years from now to see how the value stands. If it comes to nothing - then so be it. My son and I will have a lot of great product to open. But personally, I am the same as you, I feel the assurance of that PSA 10 plus the quality of the card itself to look can’t be matched for single cards.

I’m all in for opening and grading, unless you know the pack is lightweight.

I read somewhere about this guy who was going to wait until he retired in order to open his sealed collection… The only thought that crossed my mind was that, why on earth would someone wait until they retire in order to do so? They could enjoy their cards for sooo many more years if they just opened them now… or you can save yourself from a huge dissapointment and move on, so anti-climatic opening your whole sealed collection and finding out that they were all lightweight packs :stuck_out_tongue:

I also think that graded packs are the worst. Those cases are horrible, and the way they fold the packs, it just doesn’t make sense to me.

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As far as security, you can’t beat graded/authenticated items. Sealed product always has a chance of being fake.

I really don’t like graded cards, i think sealed product is almost always the best choice when you are buying promo cards (the only ones i collect, i don’t know a lot about regular sets cards)

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If you have to ask, leave sealed until your sure you want to open them.

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New collectors have this tendency to buy wotc theme decks…

There’s better ways to spend your money. Certain jungle and fossil 1st PSA 9s can be bought for the same price as most of the early, mass-produced theme decks and they’re better pick ups imo.

They’re cool and all but they don’t appreciate outside of the e-series and Legendary Collection decks.

Atm I feel that boxes are relatively expensive compared to the cards which you can pull from them.

Wotc boxes or all sealed boxes. I would assume newbies tend towards theme decks if they cannot afford booster packs. Suspect the only theme decks with potential are e series due to the random reverse holographic?

An absolutely fair arguement :blush: but as collectors (myself included), do you/they not feel that a sealed theme deck may hold more value over time?

This is was one of the main reasons I wanted to see peoples fors and againsts:

Graded - you know the product your buying with the assurance of graded quality which attributes the price you pay.

Sealed - if Boosters/Packs e.t.c, its unclear as to what the content is, but the fact it is still sealed to keep that mystery adds the gambling aspect of buying it if the buyer wishes to open - if you’re keeping sealed, its difficult to say you’re not buying a Mint condition product if sealed, even if there might be some slight damage to the external protection (e.g dinted box).

I like both, but with the caveat that for sealed I pretty much only like booster boxes or Japanese special sealed boxes (like the Lillie box, Mario/Luigi Pikachu, etc.) I adore graded cards but I also typically only like them if I graded them myself. Weird pride issue?! (And money, haha.)

I like psa grade cards as it requires less storage space!

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That’s so much of a good point. It always makes me laugh when I see the Rudy(Alpha Investments) videos and his stockpiles of junk collection/booster boxes of newer sets. He can have the same $ invested in a small stack of PSA 10 cards. I actually wonder if he’s collecting/investing in any of the higher end stuff.

While I also prefer graded cards, I think both have similar potential in terms of growth if you know what you’re doing. I would stay away from things like loose packs except maye 1st Ed Base and some other key sets.

The main reason I don’t collect sealed boxes is what @ptccards mentioned, a lot of storage space required. I also figured it is hard to ship if i sell them since they are heavier and take up more space.

However I firmly believe sealed booster boxes are the BEST LONG TERM INVESTMENT for any Pokemon set, hands down. I do not own any so take that opinion however you may. I prefer graded cards as they are easier to store and nicer to look at. I always think that the wrapper around those old WOTC boxes will tear anytime I handle them.

He is a lot more experienced in the investing world than most of us are so I believe he allocates his investments systematically in the form of ungraded cards, graded cards and sealed boxes(old and new). If you see his Alpha PSA 10 videos, he probably has 5%-10% of the total Alpha PSA 10 population in the world. He also has a couple of PSA 10 unlimited Power and a lot more in ungraded mint condition. He is a special kind of collector/investor but he definitely knows what he is doing.

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